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of kflifyiná Faith. I . ledge : For we may know many Things which we do not believe, or affent to as Truths ; and again, the Aífent of Know- ledge is founded on the Evidence of the Things themfelves which are known, Faith is founded on the Authorityof the Teftimony but in Refpe& that we underftand what we believe, and in Oppofition to Papiíts, who did patronize Ignorance fo much, out firm Reformers expreffedFaith by Knowledge, and which is not fo alien to Scripture Expreï'ion, Heb. xi. 3. By Faith we underfland the Worlds were framed. idly, Faith is not any A& of the Will; it follows fromwhat is Paid, Ifye make it an A& of the Will, you muff give it another Name, than Faith or Believing ; for no A& of the Will can be expreffed by Be- lieving ; and betides, when I come to fpeak of the Subje& of Faith, I flail chow, that Faith as to its fubftantial A&, is mainly, the immediately in the Underftanding, tho Will dóth force Way concur to the aeting, of Faith. (3.) Faith is not a general Aífent to the Truths of the Scripture, for elfe Devils, who believe and tremble, fhould have Faith. fam. ii. 19. (4.) Faith is not, as Arminian, contend, the believing of this Propofition Chrift died for all,, as I îha11 prove, when I come to fpeakof the Obje& of Faith. (5.) Faith is not Hope, Refire, Love after Chrift, nor any of the Affe&ions, either Tingly or jointly.