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Of the jointly confidered, (as force think) atiih either fincerely or intenfely ; for thefe Abe&i- ons could not be properly exprefi by the Tèrtii` Believing. Befides, were the wing of any of the .Affections. towards Chrift, the Condi- tion ofEternal Life, then were it do this and live, love, fear and delire Chrift, fubmit to, and obey him, and live ; it were no more of Grace Iii all thefe Aás we give, and do fomcthing which may occafion boating, we receive not ; therefore thefe are not Faith Finally, Faith is diflinguìíhed from Hope Love, Refire, or Fear, they are all difiin& Graces; and therefore, cannot be Faith.' z Cor. xiii. 13. True, thefe do attend Faith, nor is Faith without them, yet are they not Faith, (6.) Faith is not An Agent to the general Promifes, or Truths of the Gofpel; tho' accompany'd with Love, as Tome think, which in handling of the Obje& of Faith, I Ihall prove. (7.) Nor isFaith (for the Rea- Ions formerly mention'd) an Aífent to the Truths of the GofpeI, withan Eftimation of them, with a fincere Purpofe of Gofpel Obe dience, and fo conffling as a Complex of manyA&s ; for let Men fay and pretendwhat they will, here is nothing but a new Cove- nant of Works on force milder Terms, and accommodated Tome Way to our Weaknefs The Apofile, Rom. v. II. If it were ofWork=; it were no more of Grace; -he loth not fay, ere