Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

3g Of the Manner, and perifb, remain curled Enemies, condem- ned, unholy Creatures fiill, and when they die drop into Hell, and peril?. eternally, do they nor believe the Scriptures ? I queftion not but they do, as Agrippa but half a Chri- fiian did ; Have they any Expe&fation of Salvation any other Way than by Chriíi ? I think truly not : How comes it they are not jellified, and faxed from their Sins Here is it, Their Faith is dead, they were never convinced of their miferable and cur- fed Eftate by Nature, or it they have heard fo much, yet did they never feel, or groan under the Weight of Sin, and the Wr4 of God, and Power of Satan Hence the News of a Saviour, tho' judged faithful, and there- fore aflènted to, yet is not welcomed ; ?ire Whole need not a Phyfcin : Hence the Truth is not received' in Love, and hence firong D lufions both in Pra Lice and Judgment the Heart is, as it were, the Soul of Man What is done without the Heart is there- fore interpreted as the Açtion of a dead Man, which Both not nand in Law. Ifa. xxix. 4. Oh ! Labour to get the Love of the Truth,labour to fee not only the Truthof the Gofpel,but to tafie the exeeeding Sweet nefs of the Gofpl,fo that thou mayft heartily welcome the Newsof'a Saviour coming to lave lice from Satan,Sinsand .1ll fpir%tual Enemies z Thcj.'