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or Form of Faith. 39 2 'lhef. 2. Io. Reft not fatisfied with na- tural or rational Convitions, but defire the Lord to teach thee every fpiritual Truth. Yoh. vi. 45. Every Min that bath learned of the Father fall come to me. Obj. But the flony Ground believed, and that with goy : 'Therefore it feems that the Nature of Saving Faith doth not fland in this, that it's a cordial Affent ; feeing many ,hearti- ly believed who yet proved unfound at left. Anf: (I.) Though it were granted, that all who give a hearty Affent to the Gof- pel, were not raved ; yet it is true, that none are Paved who give not a hearty Af- fent to the Gofpel. There are other Things neceíiary to the Conflituting the Nature of Jullifying Faith, though this be one Thing ñecef ary. (2.) It may be Paid, That how- ever fore gladly received force Part of the News of the Gofpel, yet they welcome not all the Gofpel; they welcome the Ness of Peace and Forgivenefs, and Salvation ';from. the Wrath to came, but they welcome not the News cf Clirif's Corning to kill all Sin in them, to rule in their Hearts? and Pet up his Laws therein. Mat. iii. Li. (3.) It's true, Some not only believe, but with Joy, and afleEtionately, f±me are truly ,affe -- ed with the Gofpel, as well as convinced, but they want Depth ofEarth, their Heart is a little touch't therewith, and fuperfici- 4 ally