Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

or Form of Faith. 5, believed, and only to filch, I ask íäll, What Ground give ye for bottoming this Faith which bath the Promife annexed to it. If ä= Poor Man be purfued for a Debt before ,au., ordinary f udge,. if I come to him, and Believe, poor Man, That I;will. get folv'd from this Debt, and ;I will get,,you, ab fólv'd verily ; ,all the Encopragements of t=his, Kind that L can give hirn, ,cannot help hir4, a jot to get this believed, tho'_the.,Encouragii. . meat and _ A.A.-vantage, , thereby,, raÿ_:pur, him to cohfider, and'feèi °'.. out all the Evidences he can .fö finding his Faith : Bute if I promife, ,nd,,fhow him a ifcharge ofthç Debt he is called in queition for, and convince him of ,my Veracity ; this indeed gives him ;Ground to believe that he Ihall be abfolvec ; but to promife him svvoia s for, believing, can never make him believe, when you give him no objective Evidence of the Truth of what you would have him be- lieve. (3.) We are only ,to believe withMt' Perfwafion, by an Alfent of Knowlcd;ge, af- ter we believe; 'tis true, but we. are in Faith, warranted,and bound tobelieve,wit.h a full .f- _.. lent of Faith,on Chrift for Reiniffion of.Sins, ObjeE . 2. Affurance is a Fruit, of Faith, not Faith it fell. I Anfwer, The Affurance of Evidence is a Fruit of Faith, I grant; but there is an Affurance of Faith, which is ofthevery Na- turc