Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

of th1ughts. . ~ . ----- over the paffages and circumfiances/ of the fame fins long fince committed, · witha new and frefu de– light; when men ra!fc up · their \dead atl:ipns long · fince buried, in the ·fame liken,efTe theywere tranf– atled in, and parley with them')as th~ Witch& Saul did with ·Satan in Samuels ·. likene{fe. And whereas - they fhould #~raw croffe , lines 0ver them , ~nd blot then1out through·faith in . ·.Chriftsbloud,they rather copy and write them "o- · ver againC! in their thoughts, \Vith the fame contentment. So an un- .cleane perfon can ftudy. and v~ew - over every cir- · {. c~mfiance paifed in fu~~ .I .