Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

-- ------_,__~-- -· ---...--- proves tnore in the in1agi- · nation t·ban in ,the thing , which arifeth ,frotn the vafineffe andgreedines of mens ~eures, as the caufe · hereof; , for that makes them fwallow ·up .·all at . once. So Hah. 2. Eniarg- · inghu defires M · HeU, hei· heApesup-AONatignt, fwal– lowes , them upi in h.iJ thoughts. So an-ambitious. S·choller 'cloth all prefer~ ·ments that are. · in· his· • ·vlew·; . 'Thirdly , this jjxecula~ tive Jvickedn~(Je~ is exerci– fcd in like maner to·wards ( things p4jl; ~- · in recalling· namely·; .and reviving in . · eur thoughts<the pleafure- .. of finfull aCl:i.ons palfed; · ·:· ~w.hen · th·e .minde ,roones,