Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

\ . ·< ' ... 93 The vani.tie ... heart ufeth to reape no fuch fruit of ftnfull acti– ons paft , But what ~fruit. had ·: y1n if thofe .things where'.{ yee Are n1w ttJhttmed~ The Saints reap and · dift'ill Aothing ou~ of all , : ·thofe flowers, but fhame . l and forrow,and fad fighs: · 1 when Ephraim remem- ~bred his fin, I1e was a.Jha- . · .· ~ed, Andrepented; & canfl: .thouinthy th?ughts,-reap a ~newharve!f and crop of pleafure out ·of them, againe aodao«ine '! . \ b 1 Secondly , it argues much hardne::lfe of heart ; nOthing being -mote op– polite to , the . truth· and ¥rac:tife ·ofrepentance, the , foundation·of \Vhich ·lSi t. 0 r· · call eo minde the fin with , · · - · fl1ame . ~