Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

---------,--- ~--- lhameand forr_o,w, and t(l) ·. 1 r~call it with much more griefe , .than ever ·there was pleafure in the com- -mitting of it : and whofe property is toha:e the Ap– pearance of it , and to en– flamethe heart with {!ale and revenge againft it. And thereby itprovoketh God exceedingly , our ·hearts arethereby embrued in a ---new-guilt, wee · \ thereby fiand to , and 1 make geod our former · i act : even fo, by rc~em. 1 bring it \Vith pleafure, we provoke God to remem... . ber it with a, ne~' detefia.. , tionof it, and fo to fend . 1 do\vne new plagues; ~ho, · if/we recall it withgriefe, ~onld remember it ~;;o m~re.· ~ we