Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

•f thoughts·-. , I 1.3 , ----~ ----- ---- bindc your hands, . aod · rule ·your atl:ions ;· but God onlyyour thoughts. By· them we chkfly faa– tl:ifie him in our heafts , by_ t.hemwee walke with Gofi, and iball wrc not , make · ·confcicncc · o ' them~? · 'Fourthly!) ifyou k>ok to the \VOrke. and_p)orvu of grAce, , w;herein lies it, But iD hri»ging lt~cry thought ints 1he~ienct ~ z· Corin. 1 I. 4· . _This is the glory-.of our religi~ on above all oth~r in the world : wherein lies the difficult! ef it, the ftrh~tneffe o it ,_ what n1akes it. fo hard, a taske ~ \lut the obferving and keep– ing the thoughts · in bounds, ... ...