Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

.IJ4 .The vanitie ---~···-... bounds:wherein lyes the ~ difference betweene fin .. i - cere hearted Chrifii£ns, and others. ~ but the. keeping of our thoughts,. without which all Reli– gion is but hodily exer;.. · · cifl. Papifis may mum. ·ble over their prayers , hypocrits talke ,_but this·. is .Godlineffi. .·· · · Fiftly, ifwee Iooke fo things·,, wee have a care of;- if··wee h~ve a care . of fpeeches ; bec~ufe Chrifi hath foid, we jhttt! · anfwere for every idle .word; w.hy not alfo for " . · the '· fame ·reafon·, il1ould . wee have a care of . thoughts '! vvhich are··' . :• · the words of the minde, ' .onely they want a ihape) ( ' to ,