Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

. I -' doe , .. doe it wiJh ~tit thy might., as it is , Rcclefi– afles 9:. l ·O~ - tl1at is , putJ ting to all ·< the io_tention ' and firengt~ .of the mind · ,that ~ ~~ay beein .it. Let · · 311 .the .ftrcame. runne to turne about thy Mill , the keeping thy thoughts ) : to. tha~: <:hannell , .kt;epes .·: · them .-fr-om overflo\ViFlg . into vanity and folly , . z. The~ 3• II. Tho(e thttt · . lahr;.ur not ttre ·hufie bodies . . .And I Tim. 5. I 3· Idle, . . rv.~tndring , . ~rfer~1., they .· ·1 are n;ot onely. called rl.r~l, Idle onely, becaufe not . _bufie about what . they / 111ould ' but mpl!fjll' ~s in- " tent on things they · 1l1.ould not ; . they. goe · from . houfe ·to houfe.: fo . • -4'>q~-~;4$11iii: V 11k $i l a . tA IMI a wa•·> c. a i