Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

1-3_3 ---·----·---~~-- '•fo . their bodies doe,: h~- cauf~ ·. their mindes. , doe wander 1, ,having .. n<) .. cen– ·.ter. - When. DaviJ .. - wai~ ·ked . alone.; ·,what extt~- vagancie . .di4 ~is fpitit · runne into . '! . . let ·. the ·ground lye fallo~v ·, - and _what \veeds will ther~ foon~ grow in it --~ :.:(i_()d ·hath appoint~d .us ·~- our . callings .to entertaine our thoughts }h and t-o . finde , them 'vork-, .and to hold · them doing ·in the inter– ims , .. betweene. Mie · du·. ties of his worfhio, lJe- . l c~ufe th.e:· ~oirit and , thoughts~ - of. men . ar~ reftleffe ' 3nd will bc.e ' but.ie4 fome way ;. as 'I therefore Kings .l{eepe thof~ men that . l1ave atlive .