Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

--------~--------~-~~- 1 of thoughts:- -' '1 135 'ne&ef[ary., being . ~' e-.umbrtd. with many. thing.s ·~ · L·uke , I o. 4 ~ : thts . breeds ··care · · ~P'V.V~t.'' wh1ch difrraas the ·minde, (fo th.e word fig- · .fi ) \ ~ , ? ). . J• • n1 es c&· J7~(rrt& · ~P'~QIJI, as ~at. .:. · · viding it 3 and ·_fo - eau~ ·.· ,_feth \Vandring ·thoughts f10t~ing ·more ,· fo · t~at the minde is not it . felfe~ ·For thi·~ weakens. it, e~ ':nervates it', and this be~ · .ing vani~y , . Exodt# I 8~. 18. [aid . Iethro to ~O- .(es , when encombred . ·with buGneue.·, trJ,o~ wilt .[4-de Away- &s tt le!tfe!) out :.0f vvhich the .tnoifiure is .~ryed up., even that juyce . \ ·which {hould be left· for g~~d duties will .-bee . e~1'- haufted!) as dreames come thr~ughJnultitude o!·l?~~ · · ·· ·. · fineffe, ·