Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

I Tht · v~nitie attive fpi~its ·in ~~ntinu~ · · all .imploymeat, left thtir heads ·flt.ould bee work– img and _~plotting amiffe : · fo did G_od ·appoint e. ven in Paradi!e theaCl:ive , fj}irit of mitn ~ a caiHng to keepe '\ ~im doing. · God hereby hedg<~th in · mans thoughts, .an·d ·fets _· , them to goe in narrow ~ lane ~ knowing_.that if . th·ey .are unconfitred ··and left ·at liberty· , · they , .would -like ·wilde ~f[es · (nujfe up the winde , as Ieremy fp~aks , . Jererny 2 • . 2·4~ onely take heed of ·encutnbring · thy n1inde · with too much buliQeffe, more · than thou ·canft . .- · grafpeo .-, It made · tJ'I{ar- · tha forget·-that one thi~g . , - _ne- .