Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

) ' ' I 11 . I I . 1 The Vttnitie___ I of every flower , and a good fl:omack fucks out · ~ fo·me[,v-e,tandwl1olfome nourifl1n1e'rit out of what . it takes unto it felfe : fo doth a~·oly heart> fo farre as fanetified, convert and digefi all iato fpiritual ufe– full thoughts ; y:au m1y fee, Pfolm. zo7.11lt. ThA-t Pfllmt gives many infiances of Gods provi- . denc~,4mirPontlerfuOw1rks · whieN hee tioth for thtfons of m.e11; .as deliverances bySea) whe·re men fee his wonders : deliverance to Captives 3 &c. and fl:ill the foot of the Song is, Oh th4t men JJJould therefore praife the L~rd for ~:ht wonderfsU w~rkes .het doth fortkeSonsofmen. Now~ after &