Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

if i6oug~ts. ---------- after all thefe ~ infian- .·ces , ·bee ,: concludes •; . that though . others paffe over fucl1 ocI currences with. ordinarie · flight thoughts ) , yet · !ayes bee., The ~ighteom . . fha/1 Jet it,and rejoyce : that · is , extract comfortable thoughts out of aiJ,,which ; fuall be matter of JOY~aad, · who fo is wife wiU oh(erve . \ . tkofe things,that is, m3kes ! holy obf(~ rvations out of ; all thefe,and out ofa prin-. , cipleofwifdom:e hee ·un.. ,· derfrands Gods .goodne$ · ' \ in all, , :md·fo his heart ·is •raifed .. · to thoughts of .praife, and thankfulne:ffe, and obedience. NO'\V , compare with this the9 2 ·~ •. .Pf ;lm,· t:nade_for the Sab- . . c 5 " btth ~.-