Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

of thtJughts. J --· ·cwhich all opp·ortunitie~ hin~unto) a good heart is , apprehenfive of, and doth ·naturally raife for its own :ufe. So farreBarre·n .u ltjr . :thoughtJ ttre , fo f;~,rre • r I VdtFJC. ' · -- · Secondly, the vAnitie, -and finfulrielfe of ~ th·e .' m~ndeappeares in a l~ath- . :n~ffe to efJtertaine hoJv t hot~ghts, to.hcgin t~ fet it _ 1 felfe to thtnke ·of God, · an-d the things belonging ;: un~o oHr peace; even as ~ .:.1 OJth thc:y arc to this as · · ··School~-boyes are to goe to their Books, or to bnfie · :their mindes about their · lcifons, their heads being -full of play ; fo loath are our mindes to enter into \·ferio-us co~nfiderations,: in– to 37 l