Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

. 1 ss ' I I ( ' ' 1 ' The '11Anitie . · to fad folemne thoughts ·of God,-or · death~ &c. Men are as loath< to thinke ofdeath, as theeves ofthe executien ; or to thinke of .GDd) as they are of their Judge. So t0 goe over their O\Vne <td:ions, in a review of them, and read the blurd writing oftheir hearts , and to commune ~ with-them, at night in .the · end.oftheday, (as David· :· did, Pfalm. 1 I9·59·) men are as loath to doe this, as : Schoole-boyes are · to . .p.erfe their lelfons; and the , falfe Latins they have · made, · I oh--~ -2 r. :pepart ~: · ftomm ( fay they in I oh) _, unto .-· God 3 from their ) > 1 thoughts they. meant it, · ' for it fol!ows, we defire not . ...\ tiJe .; • j .. ................................. _........__.._,....._,.,.___~