Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

11 ! . i -~- ---.--·------- gain(',e'rewe t1re a\vare of it : · y~ayou iliall finde:,that your' mindes 'viJllabour . to lhun what m.ayoccafi– on fuch th.9Ughts; even as men go~/~ut of the. \vay, :when,they fee they mufi · - · meet wit.h one they are loath to fpeake withall; : yea men dare not be alone, · ·~for feare fuch thoughts · , . 1boulc\ returneupon them. · The beft fball find a glad~ · · neffe, for an_excufe,by O– ther occations. to kno.cke off their · thoughts from : what is good:. \vhereas in ~ thinking of.vaine · · things, \Vethioke th'etime , .palfeth too fait , clocks . ,firike too foone , . houres . paffe a\vay;e»rc we are ~1 ware ofit.. · Tl-~ird·-~ i ~----~....______,......... ~;>-'~~=4.-., k