Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

ofth~ughts. - -- ............... ~ - theknowledge ofthywayes . .Theywould not thinke of him , or kn9w them by their good _\Vil~s ; afid · tl1erefore our mindes, like a bad fiomack, are oaufea.:. t·edwith the v~ry fcent of good things , and foont · cafis them Hp againe, I Rom. 2 8. They like not · to retaine the kn~wledge tJf God:let us goe and try to \vind up our foules, at any time, toholy meditations, t.o thinke ofwhatwe have ~eard, or what wee have · done, or what is our~uty - to ·-dee, andwee fhall finde our minds , like-the peggs of an Infirument 7 .flip be~ _twecine our fingers, as y;ee · .. are awinding1Hemup,and :, to fall downe fuddenly . a~ . . gau:~e, , 39 ,