Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

- The vanitie --------·~, ·~·~-~------ :came, nor whither they · \\tould. But as God doth all things in weight, num– ber, and meafure, ·fo poth his Image in us,fo farre as it is renewed. And, ,by . reafon of thefe t\vo, \the folly, un(ettledn~effi , ·and I indq;endance· o·f our thoughts' .wee bring_our I . thoughtsoft~n to no ilf~e; to po perfe~ton, ~ut Wl!- der , Jtway our t1me tn thinking {as you .ufe to fa.y)ofntJthing, .'and as Se– nectt fayes ofmens live~,a.s of Ships 1 that are tofl: ·up .s:· anddown·e at Sea, it may .- · ~ bee faid they have beene .~ ~ ·~t1fedmuch~ but fayledno– ~hjng. The like in this re- - . fpect may. bee faid of the · thou~hts , or as \vhen