Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

if thougilts. ..,_..._..._ m~nmake' imperfeCt dafh– es , ~ and write nonf~nce, 1They are Jaid to fcrihble, they doe not writ( :- So,. in thefe follies_and indepen– -~ dencies, we ·vvilder and[e o.ur fetves ; we doe nit ' thtnke. · · But 2. oa t·he contrary. if apy flrong luft, or. v-io .. lent paffion beup,tb.enour thoughts are too ftxed an_d .intent, and run in fo farre, into fuch. finfull objects, that they cann9t bee puld out againe, or any v-vay di– vertedor takenoff: \vhich is another - v~nity. For~ - -our thoughts and· our un-– derfl:anding part \~as or– dained to moderate,allty , . , andcoole,;and take off our!\ paffions}_.vv.heri the_y: a~c a· t . D ' 5 P ·~ly57 (