Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

-""' ~ -- ... - The vanitie ' ,it. So \Vhen lsve and dejire · isup, be the thing what it will,'we are takenwith,as preferm·en·t, credit, beau- -ty·,- riches , i ~ fets our~ tl10ughts a\v9rke to·vie\v 'th~ thing all ovef· ~- from top· to toe (as wee fay) ~o .ol.,ferve evety par·t and ,circumfiance , that d_oth _make it amiable unto us :. :as ifapiCture were to .bee .\ : ·drawn of it. S0 \vhenjoy ·· · .is up, wee view the t-hing - ·we rtJo_yce in, an'd:read it · ·over andover;as \vee doe :a B·ooke \Ve like,. and wee , .markeevery tittle, we are· : ~ puntluall in it ; yea 1 fo in.. · ;or:dinate·are we l1erein; as. · ·ofien \VC canno.t 11~~p for :thinking .on -them·. · Ec·cle(: .5 . 12.: .Li lntndance-of riches· 1 _ ·~ · « . w ~ /1:1 I I v '4 ·~ ---- . -~ -·-----;-:' ...-·-··-.- ·.--... ~ . ......, __....,..;...#... ·- -·---- . ·'