Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

of -th6t~:ghts. . 59' · ' ----- -- .• ~-. _..,..._ ---~ if ·apafion offeare be up, how doth it conjure up ·fD.ultitude _of ghofily : :thougfit-s-lvh-ich we~ can.~ .~not conjure down againe, 'nor hide our eyes from '! - ~ But whicl1 haunt us, acd follo,v us -.up and downe, ~vhere-ever.we goe, fo as . a man runnes a\vay purfu- . :· ecl by his .owne th.oughts, the heart then mt'ditattJ on' tm:or: AsifaY:33·I8. S-ol ,' ·when· farrow 1s up, how,· · doth it make. us ftudy the croife that lights-up-on us? which to forget!~ , . would . , :be atleafe unto the mind. ~But amans·paffioss ·111akes . ·his tho,~ghts,to con .it, and I to fay · 1t by h.eart, .over i :and over againe., as ·if it .~ :\Vould not have us forget • ~ . lt. . I ' .