Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

1{thoughts. _. 69 ------------~--- ----- time .they happen• . ;. The like cnri~fity is fe'ene inmany> in to know the fecrets of o~ "' ther . men , which yet ·would doe them no good to know, and who doe fiu~: · dy n1ens acrions andends, not to refotme, or doe go9d to them ~ but to know them, and think and mufe thereof,when alone, \Vith pleafure; this is curi- \ofity~ andproperly a va1nity o~the. thin~i~~ pow_ 1 er~ 'vh1ch 1t matnely plea... feth ; and is indeedagrtat fin, when tnuch of mens . · tnoft plcafing , thoughts · · are fpent -on ~bings con- . -cerne them not. For the things we (:3ught.'to know, – ~ · and which doe concerne– us,