Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

_70 J The·vAnitie , f us, are enough to ~-ak- ~e-u-p alJ our thoughts alene _) ,n~ither fuall we have any to fpare : and thoughts are pretious thing-s , the immediate fruits and buds of an immortal] na- ~ ture, and God ·hathgiveg us power to coyne them, to lay them out .in things · concerne our owne good, . and /of our neighbours, a11d his owne glory : and . thus net to fpeqd them is , the grea~eft wafte in the . - world ; -examine what . Corneyouputintogrind, · for God ought to h .ave toll of all. Pr1v. 24.!_ 8. ·., He that deviflth eviU flia/1 .._!Pe caUedamifchievou.s per-· fo•, not alyvaies bee that · · doth a mifchievous a&i~ ,;•..