Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

·8-6 The v~tnitie men live by faith jn Gods· promifes, Hab. 2.4. I(aj· 3·8. I 6. By the(e men liv.e, and t·his iJ the f}irit of 11tJ ,life, faith He'{fchiah,_ even , what G_odhdth JJoken, verf. ., I 5. So doe carnal! men ., live much upon the pro- · mifes of their- O\vn hearts and thoughts aforehand i (for to this head of vaine . thoughts, thefe vaine pro- _ mifings are to be reduced, . Pjizlrn. 49. I I. Their in_ .. · •·ward theught i5, th_eir hou– (es }hall continue for evtr, and-this thought pleafeth ·, · them : what pleafure. al- · _ ,mo.!E is there,. which a , ·. man makes n1uch account : l ef, but hea{fs itfirfi over : ·~ ia private. _in his owne · ;t-ho-ughts.~" and thus doe , • - , . , m ·.