Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

, _..,__ ----------------~ ;men fooliihly take their :their owne words and promifes, and fo ~ifof)le -themfelves in the .end, as leremy fpeakes, I~r. 17. They take up before hand in their .thoughts upon trufi, t~e pleafures they , ___ are tq enjoy ~ even as fpend- thrifts doe their rents, or Heires their -re- · venews before they cqme o-f age to __ enjoy th-eir lands, that <when they come indeed to enjoy the pleafures they expeQ:ed , either they prove , but dreames ', as Ifay ·29. 6. they fin_de their [oules empty, or -fo much under their expetl:ation , and fo ftale, as they have little in · ,_ . 1 t~em ., that ~ ther~r!;! : ·. ..