Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to theE P H E S I 4 N S. nut this they can truly reply infiead of it; But he is a11_ Heavenly ma11, and that ~--. by right of Inheritance from an hi&her Birth, which h1s Perfon had fro?l ever-~ lafiing. Heaven is his C.ountry, h1sCourt IS for ev~r to be there; h1s Tnrone ~~ there erected, and by Birthright he IS to _fit at God s R.1ght-hand ; he IS a Sp~rttftai maiJ 1 Cor.15·46· yea, and a qwcknmg Sptrtt, unto us, and to you the Sons of rnen ~lfo: yea, and you men, if you will enjoy your King and his prefence, fu ever, you mufi come up or be brought where we are, even as Chnfi prays :ne'f maj', John '7· be where I am, and foe my glory i and I have gtvm tf them. So then neither can they fay, they have 110 part m Jeffe. . Yea 'here I may add, that in taking Man's Nature there was this further ad– vantao~ · there was a gratification to all kinds of Creatures elfe; they can all fay ,;, have[omethi11g of evrry Olte of tu i?t him. Man's Nature being theE– pit~my of all, the Center of both Wo~lds, higher and lower; theElements, Ve– getatives; SenlitiveCreatures. Man lstheltttle Idea of all (pectes or kmds_of things; and this great Idea, the S01J of God and the Image of God, they marned together; arid an happy match lt mufi needs prove, wlueh bnngs God and all Creatures thus into one perfon. Thirdly, Come we to thmgs on Earth, the Sons of Men; amongfr them we find one famous divilion of Jew and Gentile; and that Chrifl: might be a meet Head to both; God hath fum'd up both Jew and Gentile in him. And yet as touching the former, between lvfen and Angels, the Election was, that he to9k not tht natttrt of A11gets, Ile6.2, (which you have feen removed:) So here,that which follows, that Ee took 011 him thefeed of Abraham, fervcs wholly to exclude us GeNtiles from having any portion in his per!on. . But the Anfwer is as ready; 'Tis true, that immediately and more eminently he came of the Jewijh Race, Rom.g.). Whofe are the Fathers, a11d of wkomM co11ctrni11g the flejh, Chrijl came, And as in that otherdivilion between Angels and Men, the portion that man hath in him preponderates: {o 'tis here on the .1ews fide alfo, yet withal not to the utter exclulion of the GmtiiN. For to al• lude to that Speech of the Tm Tribes, concerning 'David, Wt Gmtiles have Tm parts in him. There were Ten Patriarchs, that were his Ancefiors and ours, and came to ns; and the Jews, afore this divilion of Abraham's Seed was brought up in the World; and Two thourand years or more before A6rahamwas fryled the Fathtr of the Faithftt!, and the Promifed Sud; Eve was called the Mother of a!J Livi11g: and fo,that both1ew and Gmtilehad the firfl: Promifeof the Seed that lhould h>'Mk the Serpmts ber•d,to be her Seed. Yea,and after that divilion made from A6raham, you have two Gmtiles mentioned in his very Genealogy, Raha/; and Ruth, as his great Grand-mothers: So 'twas, he would have fame of the Gentiles Blood run in his Veins, as well as that of the Jtws. · , • Thus you have now feen, (I) God'' rnofl: deep and comprchenlive de!ign, to be the union of all things with himfelf, ( 2) The fulnefs of fulnefs in the Perfon whom hefingles forth, to be the means or effecter of it; and therein two of the fore-mentioned lignifications of the word "'""'f"-"•"1~.. taken up therein. Head 111. We come now tothe Perfims gathered. .The Third Head propofed was that, that God out of a!Jforts of Perfons, 6oth iN Heaven and in Earth, bath de~ fi!J!"d to coUeCf a body tt11d (eteef Company to u11ion with himfe!f, and through Chrijl as thei: Head. Which the third particular import of this word, gives Warrant to; 1t ligi11fies,gathermg together as i11 011e head. As he is an Arithmetical Head, fo he is a Political Head· he is a Prince and a lord, an~ aHead to gll things in Heaven and in Earth, add they are made all one,111 betng reduced to him as to a Head. He bathgivm him (faith he, Eph. I , 2.I,) to be the Headovtr all thi11go to the Church. So that, my Brethren, this is the fecond Myfiery I am to unfold to you, That as in the Perfon of the Lord .f.ejus Chnft there is God, and Angels and Men 'few and Gentile, fum'd up in h1m; he partakes in his Perfo'n of all thefe : so'h!s Body (•f you will fo call it,) or rather his Family, whereof he is Head; (for I do not know that the Angels ' · s :r.· art