Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

tp An Expofition of the Epifole ~ are called Member.r of hi.r Body; that is,peculiarly the privilcdge of the Saints,) Serm. X. but they arc all gathered into one Commonwealth, into one Ctty, into one Fa– ~ mily both Angels and Men, unto htm as tlletr Head. And that fame Univerlal Chu;ch, that /hall appear at thelatterday, when the fulnefs of time is out, when the Glafs is run· for then he wtll have them all about lum, and they wtll all be under one Head; and fo that Family of his, which !hall all come unto him, will have a conformity to his Perfon. Chrilt My!lical will have a conformity to Chri!\ Perfonal; as Chri!\ Perfonal was fummed up of all, fo will that whole Family of his, that whole Commonwealth of his, whereol he is the Head, be fummed up of all too, both Angels and Men, Jew andGmtile, alllons of men; all thing in lleavm and all tlungs 10 Earth , fhall all be gathered 10 one, m him. And this is that fame great Mu''"'"' as the Apofile calleth it, Eph. 3·9• ro. At the gth verfe, To make allmenfee, (faith he) whatthejeOowjh1p of the MJflery i s; and the A11gd.r come in there too, at the 1othverfe; (for by the preaching of the Gofpel they have a fellowfhip with him, as well as the Jewand Gmtile:) To the illtmt, that tJOW t<llto the prillcipalltie.r mrd power.r m heave11ly place.r, tmght 6t kuow11 by the Omrch the mantjoldwifdom of God. This is that great Allociation of all the Creatures, whereby they are all, though they are two feveral Kingdoms, as E11gland and Scotlmrd are, yet all united; there is an Affociation under one Monarcb, founder one Chri!l, that they come all to have relation to one, as their Head; and all make up a Family, and a Commonwealth; and aKingdom too. There are two things here to be treated of, ( t) That the good Angels, as well as Men, are united and come into this So– ciety under Cluilt as an Head, which alone I need inli!\ upon; for of Men there is no que!\ion. · ( 2) That all of each, that is, aD forts of Angels, and all forti of Men, are taken in; to make up this Body or Society. I. Angels, as well as Men; which l explain by thefe particulars; FJr!l, When J fay they are gathered i11 011e i11 Chnfl, I mean not as a Re– deemer, but !imply as an Head. The difference of thefc two I fhall in another SeCtion give the account ot: I obferve, that Rev.).g.II,I2. when the two firll: Rounds, or Rmg.r, gathered about the Lamb and the Thro11e, the fir{\ and neare!\ is of Mm, ol A11gel.r the fecond; and both celebrating the Lamb sbat wa.r (lain. · This in general, That Chrifl i&_Head both to .A11gets a11d Mm. The Second Branch, That aDforts of each, both .A11gets and Men, were ga– thaed unto b1m, as itt that one Head. I. All forts of Angels; there are fevera! ranks of Angels; which Cotof. 1. 16. doth give us the Heraldry of: .Aft thi11gs that are i11 Heavm, and that are in Earth; vijibte, audiiJVijibte, whether thty be Thrones or 'Domitrion.r; there are things i11 Heavm, Principalitit.r or Powers; there are three forts of things o11Ear1h. 1. ThronesfpeaksKingly~:owertobe among them, 'IJau. 10,13 LoMJCh,1fl, one of thelir!\ of the·Pnnces, as he is there called, whichisfpo– ken of a good Angel; for 'tis Michael. 2. There are Dominions, Vice-Roys, as .'twere ranks, and ~rders under them; _and this order in Hell is kept, by whtch thetr Kmgdom 1s governed ; there ts one that is the Prince of Devils, even as under a King there are Dukes, and Marquelfes, and Earls, C!!c. And thofe good Angels are all of one Houfe, confi!\ing of the Original Peers of Hea– ven. And this d.i!\indion of Angels,for we prefume not to give any more ranks of them; (as the Counterfeit 'Dtonjjius, and from him the Papi!\s do,) we elfe– wherefind in Scripture, that fome are called Archangels, one at lea!\, Jtsde g. whowas a meer Created Angel, as is evidem by this, that He dttrf/ 1101 bring a rmtmg accufati01t; wluch mull: not be apphed unto the fecond Perfon as God, as fame have done; likewife, r ThejJat. )• r6; it is faid, the Lord}hall defcmd w ith the v•ice of mJ Archmtget; which Archangel is difiindfrom the Lord hirnfelf.