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·to the EPHESlf\N.S. thren to'Chri!l:, and Chri!l: to us, he having .the f~!Il~JIIature~ith us 1 therefQfe ~ · the Angels are no where ('aid.tobe.ArJopted So'nt rfq.:~:od, ' ~s.,¥en rre fa!d to be, Serm. X: . as not having relati,On to Chn!l:, as to a Husbaqd; ;a!]~ m that !elauo,n bemg Sons~ .. 0 f God. Togive· ):OU anotherScrip.~ureiOr.this, ]J.evel.I9.10. you fhall find ' there, that the J}ngel indeed calleth lumfelf, jettow-S~rva11t wtth Joh11 ; but)J.e doth not<:all himfelf, Brother; nay; he cloth not call htmfelf J:lrot~er, though he mentioneth the Saints as Joh~t'sBrethren; I am thy fet!ow-.fervmtt, mtd of thy Brethrm. The like !YQU have Revet,22.9, I am thyfet!ow-SeryqtJt, mtd ofthy Brethrm, the Propbet!, a11d of them whicb keep tbe Sayi1~~ ~f.. thir Book. The Saints of ·Ood·ar,e Brethren one to another, and unto Jefus Chnft. They are but their fellow-Servapts. . .- . . .· Much lefs are they the Spoufe of Chri!l:; much lefs have they the relation of a Wile to him as a Husband; this is proper to the Hc~dll1ip of Chri!l: over Be– lievers. Eph.).21· The btts6a~td is the btad of t'hewife, as Chrtf/ is tbe bead of tbe Chttrch, a11d rbe Savio11r of the 6ody. He is not a Saviour of the Angels in a way of Redemption, for he fpeaks of the Church which bath JPots and wri11• kles in it, as ver.27, The Chttrcb is the Queen, the A11gels are but his Guard roundabout his Throne, Revel.f,ll · . . . . [ will give you one Caution more. Though they have not thefe relations to Chri!l:, yet they have the relation of Servants, and Servants are a part of the Fa– mily. The Family you know, is ufually made up of Servants and Sons arid the Wife. Now the relation of Sons and the relation of Wife, this the Sons of Mert bear unto God and unto Cbri!l, and of being Brethren too unto; but the Angels are but Servants fent out, They are his Angels, and indeed in that tefpeCl: he is called their Father and their Head, as the Mafler is called the Fatber of tbe Serva11ts, 2 Kings >• l• So I have expre!l: to you, what affociation the Angels have with Jefus Chri!t, and one with another. I will make fome Ufes of what hath been delivered, and give you fome Obfervations, and fo end this great Point. . You heard how that A!t things are the eleCt of A11gels and Men, which God 06jfi'7:1' 1 . fummeth up in Chri!l:. .The fir!\: Obfervation then is this, See what reckoning · ' God putteth upon things, he calleth his eleCt Children; Angels and Men , Att thi11gs ; he looks upon all things elfe as nothing, they are of rio e!l:eem, they have no value with him. They ate God's All that belong to Chri!l:,both Angels and Men, and the re!\: are the Devils, as [ faid ; therefore you know the Scripture calleth Souls that are damned, /of/; they are not, P(al.77. Tbe mm whom thott remem6refl 110 more. God makes no reckoning of them, he accounts them nor, The things in Heaven and in Earth that belong to Chri!l, they are the Al!tbillff.S, they are the choice of ati, they ate the Firfl-fmits; as they are called, Jam.t.•8. Let us therefore, if we would have :i Being, get into Chri!l: ; let us gather our felves to that Head. You are loft elfe, you are of no reckoning with Cod, nor Jl1aU not be to all eternity. A fecond Obfervation is this; Have we this affociation with Angels? Shall we 06ferv. ii be as Angels hereafter? Let us hve as Angels now. We mull: live with Angels tor ever, we mull: be made hke to them, we are come with them unto one Head, -Chri!l:. Be a~ Angels now. And, my Brethren, letit be one Motive ~oyou to keep you froni ftmiirtg. lf Men were by, you would not firi. Thtnk wtth your felves , Angels may be by wtnle [ am linnmg, whom [ am gathered unto, and with whom I mull: live, forever, I Ttm.5. 21. what is the meaning there, I charge tbte 6efore God, a11d hu .ele[f A11ge!s. He chargeth htm, that he fhould not in the execution and ex– erc1fe of Government m the Church, be partial. 1 charge thee 6efore God, he feeth thee; a11d 6efore the Lord .7efi1S Chri{l, he fees thee; and the e!efl An– gels, fame ot other of them fee thee too. What is the reafon of this? If that Angels did not fee; and were not Witneffes, many of them, or fom.e of them, of Mens camag~s; why fhould thjs charge be laid upon Timotb)' '{ I charge thu 6t(ore God, mtd tbe Lord Jejits Chrifl, a11dthe e!efl A11ge!s, that I bott obferve tbrfe tbmgs,wttbottt prefetriiJg o1ze before tmotber 1 doing 110thi"g bypartiality. Obferve