Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

166 An Expojition of the Epiftle ~ 3· In the Third place, He was born (as I faid) unto the condition of Angels, &rm.XH. He was a Heavenly man, the Lordfrom Heavm, 1 Cor, I). and it was his due to ~be-advanced, as now he is, far above all prinCJp,•lity and power; and therein he hath but his due. This I {hewed at firfi, when I told) ou there was a fum– ming up of all in him. Now what faith He!M.g? faith he there, We (ee Jr[U., whowa> made a!ttt!e town· than the Allgels, for the.fufferi11g of drat6, crown– edu,ithgtory andhotwur,~c. To give you the expofition that Learned Came– ra bath given of it, and certainly it is the right. The Apofile had fhewed in the firft Chapter, that Chrijl was above the Angels, and that both as God and Man it was his inheritance, his due, as he faith verf.<f,6. And Chaf.2•)· he fhew– eth, that the Worldto come is not put into fubjeCl:ion to the A11gels, but to Chrif!, fo that,faith he, be bath that glory mld that bonottr ~<bove the A11gelt, as due to him, What did God make him now? He made him, faith he, IO'Wtr thmz the Ay,ets, when he came to die. You will fay, a little lower: But that fame ~f•)(.vn IS but for a little time; per itludtemptts paf!iottu, for the Time of his ful~ fering, that is the meaning of it; for otherwife he was made agreat deal/ord!tr than the Angels. 1 am, faith he, a worm atld 110 man, Pfal. 22.6, that is, lower tbmt the Angets,inlinitcly lower; but ~eg.)(.Jn. for a little while, fo Interpreter's many of them carry it; A little while, f1ith he, that is, while he fuffered death, a£ Camero interpreteth it. That Man that had an inheritance above Angels, to whom all things {hould bep11t in [ubjel1io11 under hit fert, Angels and all; this Man (faithhe)he wasforalittlewhile m~de lower than the Angeltl, and this while he fuffered death. So that now, my Brethren, you fee, that as God hath forfaken him; fo likewife in the next place here is the condition of Angels, that he was boro unto, that is gone too, while he tafieth of death for every mnn. Well, but he is Man yet? Why, but that is fcattered too, What is Man? He is the refult of Soul and Body. Take the Soul from the Body, the Humanity ceafeth; there is a Body indeed and a Soul !till, but where is the Man? Though he was perfonally united to the Body in the Grave, and the Soul in Paradife , yet in a proper and firiCl: fenCe, there was a cealing to be Man, You know Death is the diiTolution of Man into his Soul and Body. Take Chrifi's own exprefiion, Job. 12.19• he calls it an tlllbttitdingor defiroying of htmfel£ 'IJeflr'!Y this Tem– plr, faith he, take it in pieces, fling one fione from another, (for when he died, his Soul went one way and his Body another,) and, faith he, 1 will buljdit agaitt. The Stones were pulled down, it was but unbuilt. It is true, it may be faid that he was God-Man, when dead; but it cannot be fa id he was Man, when dead. Mmt he was indeed, in refpeCl: that his Body and Soul mufi be united again; but yet in a proper and llritl: fenfe, Man he was not then. Here, I fay, all is gone, here is a fhattering even in Chrill himfelf, fo far as pofiibly may be. The Union could not be diffolved, for then it could not have been faid, that God died, and that God was buried, and that God was raifed, if the Godhead had not been united to the Body: the union of the Godhead ceafed nor, the union of the Soul and Body, the Man ceafed. Though 'tis true, that the Godhead was united perfonally to his Body in the Clrave, and to his Soul in Paradifo, and that Union was never interrupted; yet our Diviaes, fpeaking in a firiCl: fenfe, fay, 111 Trid11o defiit homo, He ceafed to be Man; as Man confified of Body and Soul united in one together, fo he ceas'd to .be Man during the time he lay in the Grave. Here, I fay, you fee all is gone in his death, Hereis his Manhood fcat– tered too. But what followeth? In his RefurreCl:ion all was made up again; he gathereth all together again in one,and by virtue of this we are gathered together in him, for what is done in us,is done firfi in Jefus Chrifi. To give you an exprefs Scripture for it, AEl.I 3. when Pettr fpeaks of his riling again, faith he at the B verfe, God bath raijed up Jefus agai11, How doth he prove it? At it u writtett, faith he, in the Stcottd Pfalm, Thou art my So11, thu day havt 1 hgotten thu. As if all had been fhattered, diffolv'd, and taken in pieces, and he was, as it were, new born; God never faw his Son look like his Son, till now; he begets him ane:-v when he raifeth hilT!, bringeth Soul and Body, and all is lmit and made up agam. t.His