Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to theE P H E S I A N S. . I ;His BOdy and Soui,they came together again:He wa.s declared to 6e the Son of~ God in that he was raifed up by the Eternal Spmt;that Is,the God-Head:Rom., . 4 : Serm.:X,lf, dtf1~oy thi< Temple; he fpake it ofhis Body; and then at his RcfiJrrecti?n,it was ~ verified that be built it up agam; fo then be was an entire Man agam, With Soul and Body united. 2. He is made now an Heavenly Man, in qualities, not only fuch as the Angels have, but far above the Angels; and is beconie a quick; ning Spirit. ~· God is come again, and never fo near him as now, for be bath admitted him to fit at I) is Right-Hand. 4· He is advmtcedabove allprinci}alitirs, mtdpowers. 1 'Pet.J.Iaft. Yea, far abovt all Pri>JCJpa!ities, tmd Powin, Ephef J. 1.1, and let us.fee the t>face th}lt fpake of IllS abafement, that he wrzs ffhtde a little lower then the Attgds, to g1ve tefbmony ofbts Glory; we fee him crowned with Glory and HotJOtlr, H~6. 2. And in Heaven he fits as a Head and Redeemer, to draw all men to him, ill all Times and Ages t6 come; until he is compleat, in refpect of his B?dy, which is his fulqef~. . ·.,• -.·· . Thus you fee my Brethren, how allts made up, when all was Chattered, and all broken to pieces, by the lhattering of Chrifi himfelf; God, and the conditi– on of Auge!s, and the nature of man in a fenCe, all being as it were diflolved, •Ithough the Union with the Godhead ~as kept.. So you fee, no~ .' this Third Tnterpretation made good, That there ts a gathermg together agam, when all m Earth and all in Heaven were fhattered, in and through Chrifi. Th~re is a Fourth fnterpretatioh, a Fourth fignific:ition rather to make up all cornpleat, I fhall give ir you in a wbrd, for it is a thing call in by Chrifi, and therefore I will not infift upon it• . I told you this,that he would refiore all things to rhe firfi Original; I laid open that,when I expounded the words, I remembe( at Firfi. And therefore, many Tranflators read it l11f/attrm'e , to refiore all things, which is referv'd, as the Complement of all, in the fulnefs of time; and others, though they do not reject it, yet they fay it is not the fill! nieaning of the words, ·but it falleth lhort. Well, my Brethren, what doth this hold fonli to us? You fee all is in Chrifl's pcrfon, here are Angels and Mmmade a body to him. Well, take all things in Heaven and in Earth, all Creatures elfe, and they fl1all all be refiored to him , and when that is done, there is all God's full Plot, all that was in His heart to– ward Chrift, and us, and the whole Creation. Thete is a time a coming where– i'n the Creatures fhall be reflored, all things in Heaveh arid in Earth, to their fir!l 0rijl,inal, and a more glorious condition, in and through Chrifi, It is a thing in– deed that tometh in by accident, it was but can into his bargain, he came to gather together Men and Angels, but ye! this is call together into the bargain. . To open this unto you a little. Man falleth. With his fall \\•hat lliould ,have fallen ? The World fhould have fallen about his ears, as Traytors, ,you know their Houfes fl10uld be pulled down and made a Jakes. What doth Jefus Chrifi ? He buyeth the World of his Father; I will pay for it faith he , and will bve it into the bargain. He payeth for wicked men that live in the World, thetefoni iris faid they deny the Lord that bought them; that is the meaHing of that, ~Pet. 2. J. He buycth wicked _Men and all.t_he World at on~ lump of God, m the m·an tnlie he upholdeth tt. It was fatd of 'Davzd, Chrifi's Type, P(al. 71: l· Tbe Earthu.di(Jo!ved, alldthelllhabitalltsthereof, I bear up the Ptl• Jars of tt; t111dChrzf1 11pholdeth allthmgs ( fo fatth the Text, Heb. J. l·) f& the word of his power, (it is fpoken of Chri!l.) And my Brethren, wheri he hath gover.ned the World, and mad~ it ferve, though indirectly, that all wbr~s togetlier for good ; thCiugh Wicked men have it directly, a od _the Devtls they carry the World away wtth them, and have done fince the Creatton, but they 0Jal_l hot do fo always; there is atime a coming, wherein all things in Heaven and tn Earth, !hall be refiored tO their firfi conditton, to a glorious con• dition, in a~d through Chrifi. . Read but Rom. 8. 19, 21. there the Apofile is exprefs for !t, for tht ea~ne(l expefiatioll of the Creat11re, faith he, wait– etb for the mmtifejlatio11 of' the So11s of God, . For the Creatttre wa.s made fitb;efl to .vanity, not willi~tg!y , but by rerifon of htm who hath Jubjefled the (ame tn hope; bee.111{e the Ci·eatttre it fe!f a!(o j!J,,J/ be delivered from tbe 6o11dage of' corruptioll , imo the gloriom liberty of the Cht!dren of God: For we know that the whoh C•·ration grot~tieth a11d travelleth itt paitJ