Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

t68 An Expojition of the Epiftle ------------~-- ~pain together tilt ttow. And delivered, faith he, they fball be, if not before the Serm.Xll; Day of Judgment, yet certainly while the Day of Judgment lafleth, which will ~be along day, whii~Chri!l:will be upon Earth and judge Angels and Men. As thefirfl Adam did bring them all into bondage, by reafon of Sin; (for as all was created for him, fo moll juflly the whole frame and fabrick of what was made for 'him was fubjeCl:ed to bondage by reafon of his Sin , and would have fallen to nothlng had not ~hrifl :) So the [eco1td Adam lh~ll reflore All unto a liberty· and tl11s mAC1.q.u.1s called, ~he refittlltton of aU thmgs: not of hnduntothis Angels a~d Men only, but of All things. (t was meet that Chri!l:, having taken doth Bifhop the Nature of man, that isJhe fum of All'things, that there~ore all thing~ fbould D_autwt, as have fome ben~fit thereby 10 their feveral kmds and capacmcs, and be m their :~:~~'d0~\~i~' kind gathered and reflored according to their capacity; and when this lhall be word, bccaurc done, then God's defign of g'atheri11g i~ fully accomplifhed. And though the or. the"wor: time was full in refpeCl: of the Center of it,when Chrifl came; and therefore it is ~':r'.f:g;; (aid,that itl thefuhufs of time he mtghtgather att, in the Text; yet the fulnefs and not.,~,. of time in the circumference is yet to come' and is then when w~ lhall be ga– :r·.;rr~~~·g thered roChrifl; as in z. ThrjJ.z..1. the time of the Refurrd!ion and Judgme11t, is only. called. '1 And, my Brethren, it became Chri!l:.thus, into the bargain to re!!ore all things in Heaven and in Earth. He createp ~11 thjngs, ~herefore it is fir he fbould re– flore all things; they were all cre~tedby him and for him. Thefirfl Adam loft them, ( fo faith Rom.8.) bur they were fubjeCl:ed under hope of a[eco11d Adam,– that fbould come and re!lore rhem. So now, I !hewed yo,u the fplendor of the Univerfal Ch11rch, out of Rev, )· and we will add the Creatures to them, at that general Aifcmbly at the !aft day. I !hewed you, tha1 all things on Earth will meet then, and the Angels will meet then; a reprefentarion of it you have there, though I will nor fay it is the full intendment of the place, yet it will hold forth much unto us. Read over the g,IO,II,I1.,J3• verfes of that 5th of-the Revelati01zs, you !hall fee all things brought into Chri!l:'s prefence. Firfi, you have Men, Att th111gs 011 Earth, v.g. Theyfrmg a 11ew Song,fayi11g, Wort!;yart thou to take the Book, mtd to open the Seats thereof; for thou waftJlaitt, attd haflredeemed tl! to God l;y thy Blood, out iif every Kittdred, mtdTo"gue, andPeople, mid Natiott. Here is all on Earth g~th.ered together, as I fhewed you before. And I behetd(faith he, verfe 11.) lind I heard the voice of many A~tgtts routtd a6out the Throne, (here Angels come in,too,) [ayi11g, Wortl;yu the Lamb that WM flain, to receive power, (!le. Here you fee God hath gathered both Angels and Men together, they both come in. Well, now there i5 bur the Creatures wanting; read the next verfe, And fVery Creature which is i11 Heaven, and 011 the Earth, ana'under the Earth, and fuch as are i11 the Sea, and altthat are itt them, heard I, faJ•ing, Bleflit~,g,hotzottr, glory attdpower be unto him that fitteth ttpon the Throtte, and uttto the D<mbfor fver mtdever: Becaufe not only Angels and Men are thus gathered in one unto him, bur all the Cre~tures fhall be re!lored; every Creature that is in Heaven and in Earth, an? u~d~r the Earth, they all afford and admini!ler matter of glo: ry toMan to pra1fe God. My Brethren, now you fee the fum ofgathering aJt ittChrifi. A Meditatiolt or T-.vo. Firf/, View and contemplate, with admiration and afionifhment, the glory and fplendor of Chrifi, and his Uoiverfal Church, to move your hearts to feek to be one thereof, and not left out of this number and gatheri11g 11p of Att things. You have the reprefentation of this Church Univerfal, during this World/in Rev.5. And Chap.7. you havefir!l the Church of Men; Four Beajls, andfour attdtwmty Elders, 11ext the Thro11e; fatli•tg dow11 a111l wor}hipping hin:,bat isottt'heThrone, and the Lam,b. Thott haft redeemed tu, fay they, ther~ arq\\l,~hing~on Earth; 011t of every Ki11dred, Tongue, N.~timt, ajld Peo– ple, Chap,5•9· Secopdly,Y:Q)l have a round of All in Heaven; they come in too, verf 11,1 •· A11d I beheld, and I heardthe voice of mcmy A11gels round abotit the Throne, a11~the Beafls, mtd the Elders; and the 1turn6er of them was tm thotlfmu/