Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Jn Ex P o sr n o N ~ And then, fecondly, in their Punifi1ment, they were their true Types alfo: PART II. For ~ 1'. A Puni!bment they there have executed on them, of all the forefr, which Pa~d calls a dying without Mercy. So in that 10th to the Hebrews; How much forer pzmifhment ( fays Paul) Jhall he be tho11ght worthy of, &c? forer than that of Nadab and Corah's Company there being devoured with Elementary Fire ; and indeed fo fore, as he knows not bow to eliprefs it, but utters it by an imperfeCJ: indefinite Speech, [how much forer? J rather leaving it to us (from comparing their Sins together) to conceive it, than that he was able to exprcfs it. And ia like manner here alfo, their Punilliment (you fee) bath this Emphafis put upon it [in this man11er he nmjl be /<}lied] as noting out the extreamefi puni!bment that could be. 2 • A Puni!bmeot it is, not fo much killing their Bodies as their Souls. So in the Type,the Fire that came forth rather blafied than burnt them. Their Bo– dies and Cloaths were left whole, Levit. 10 . 5· It burned and fcorched their Souls, not their Bodies, (fay the Hebrew Doctors); and fo it was the liveliefi Type that could be, to lay a Puni!bment upon their Souls. Now unto fuch Sinners under the Gofpel, cloth God anfwerably become a confiming Fire. Again, :;. That which here in the 'J?...evelation is called Fire, is there by Paul expounded fery Indignation, and a fearfid lool<}ng for of Judgment, (namely, in the Confciences of thofe Men who fin this Sin) [ <1J1Jfb<eg. <•JbiUI '·V"'""] a fearful and rertain expe[Jation Pf 'judgment, (as it is in the Original) God feal– ing up, by fomc fb!bes of his Wrath, thefe Men's eternal damnation, who do fin this Sin. And this fery Indignation fparkles forth upon all Occafiom, from the Writings and Lives, and from the Preachings and Teftimoniesof thefe Wit– ne!Tes Mouths, as this place implies. And, + As Tau! there u[eth the word [devouring J the .Adverjizriu; fo the f.1me is nG:d of them, Lcvit. 10. 3. And fo alfo here you fee the Ctme Phrafe ufed, [devouring] their Enemies. In the Original the fame Verb isufed in one place that is in the other; andthewordfor [Enemies] ufed Heb.IG.27. is [ ·;,.rmml~s J Subcontrarios, mzder-hand Adverfories J ; lhewing, that not always thofe that thus fin, do prefently renounce all profeffion of God, (as the Th•– rijies did not); for then they lliould not have place and opportunity to hurt the Witne!Tes. So that they profefs God ftill, but do under-hand, and by pre-– tences, oppofe his People. The like to this, we read the effect of the powerful Light of the Minifrry of John Baptijl, and of Chrifi, to have been: whole crucifying, as it is manifeftly alluded unto here, in killing the two Witne!Tcs, from verf. 7, to I 4· So alfo this efl'eCl: of his Miniftry on thole Pharijies in thofc his Times, who were tor– mented with it, is in the like manner alluded unto here, in thofe that were tor– mented with the Light and Heat of thefe Witne!Tes Prophecy (as verf. Io. of chap. 1I. expreffeth it) which, Chap. 16.6. is called a ftorching Men with great heat and pain. Now John, and after him Chrijl, were burning and jhining Lights, (as Chri.fl fpake of John) which the Pharifees defpifing, the effect of their Miniftry upon many of thefe wa. this very Sin, and fo a tormenting of their Confciences with this fery Indignation, And accordingly, in the Prophet Malachi, we have the Times of Chrift's Mi– nillry, in this refpect, called, a terrible Day that Jhall burn M an Oven ( thofe Pharifees Confciences) fo Mal. 4· I. And as it was the torment from Chrift's Minifiry, that made thefe Pharijies crucify him, (though knowing him to be the Son of God) : So it is the torment of thefe Witne!Tes Minillry here, en– crealiog fo in Light and Power under the fourth Vial, that cau[eth their Adv>r– faries to kill them, as verf 10. of this I xtb Chapter is dprefi. And thus you have feen the Power which they have againfr and over their Enemies. SECT.