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of tl1e RE VEL A T I 0 N. sEc 1'. IV. Secondly, Their Temple-mork irl tl>eir /aft 'Days, in being two Olive Trees, explained ; from the Allufion to Jdhua's and Zerubbabel's jini(hing; the Temple. BUT, 2. their Power is alfo further fet out in that Temple-work which they do for Chrirt and his Church in thefe latter Days; efpecially in that mea– Curing, building, and finifhing the Temple, fpoken of vcrf. r. To repre– fent which to us, the Holy Ghort bath culled and Gngled out the mort proper and choice Type, and the mort lively Allufion that the Old Tertament doth afford us. Theft ( fays he) ar~ the Two 0/ive-Trw, ancl the Two Canclle:flick._s, that minifter before the Gocl of tbe Earth. Now where in the Scriptures do we find this fpoken, and of whom, and upon what OccaGon ? Find but this, and by having recourfe thereto, you will fee all things fuit and confpire to make up a full Type of that Work oftbis Age. You have this ViGon of two Olive-Trees and a Candle-rtick, made unto Zechary, (as you may read in the 4th Chapter of his Prophecy) and the In– terpretation th,reof. And it is made unto him upon this Occafion: The Peo– ple coming out of 'Baby/on's Captivity, Joj/JIIa and Zembbabel had fi·om their firfi coming for~h begun to Sacrifice, and to fet up Publick Worfhip: ond af– ter two Years began the ere/lion of the Temple, laid the Foundation of it, and fet up the Altar, (as you may read in the third of Ezra) ; but left the Work imperfdt, without the Roof covered, or the Temple as then adorned lllll all thofe Holy Utenfils and Ornaments of it, which yet were Ordinances that to the Complement and PerfeCl:ion of his Worfhip then, God had appoin– ted. And you may further find, that they had then left the Temple fo incompleat, through the oppofition of a Samariran FaCl:ion, that pretended to be for God as well as they. So Ez.ra 4· 2. We feek...J'ollr God (fay they ) a< )'Oil do. Wbd yet were of a mungrel Religion, between the :few"! and Gentiles (as 2 Ki11gs 17. 41. you may read). And being not taken into this Work of building the Temple, nor owned by the true 7ews, they therefore hindred the Peo– ple in building, verf. 4· and raifed up the oppofition of the Perltan ·vlonar– chy to fi·ufhate their purpo(e, ver.f. 5· and made them to ceafe by force, verf. 24, , 5· and fo the Work lay imperfeCl: for many Years, (and yet notwithrt,md– ing, it was a true Temple and Place of God"s Worfhip) until God 1\irrect ut' the Prophets Zachary and Haggai, by their Prophecy to move }ojiJIIa and Zer•b' babcl unto the fini!hing of this Work, Ezra 5· I. Now among other ViGons which (to excite them to finifh the Work) the Prophet Zechary had had, this (in his 41h Chapter) of two Olive Trees, and a Ca11dle-jlic~ (into which the Olive Trees did empty their Oil) was one. fhe meaning of which Vifion was this. The two Olive Trees were ]ofl>u,, and Zemb– babel; SomofOil, (as in verf. 14. they are called). Which Phra(e notes out their being full of Oil; as being thofe two who fhould lay out their Grace 1 Gifts, and El:htes, (which was their Oil) and fpend their Fatnefs, and ufc their heartiert Endeavours in, and for the repairing and finifhing the Temple. Which finifhing of it is there reprefented by the Cafldle-flick..., the Candle-!lick being one of the mo!t neceffary Utenfils that went to make compleat the Glory of the Temple; and fo (by a Synechcloche) is put for all the rert.. And it being one of the la!t to be brought into the Temple when once fully finifhed, and when the Roof is covered; therefore it fitly ferved to' refemble the finifhing of that Temple, and the adorning of it with all thofe Accoutrements r.nd Ordinan– ces which God had appointd f<1r 1h• per c'tion of i1, And hence in the Expofition r'\J\..r1 Chap. 5· ~