Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

of the RE V EL A T I 0 N. 175 Orders of the Hierarchical Miniflry, 'from the highefloto the ioweft, (which for ~ them particubrly to enumerate were too tedious) they involyc all in this Chap. ..7: indefinite Expre!lion, [by whJt [ NamCJ J or Titles foever dignified or dijlin- ~ guifhed]. Now as they call their Dignities Names, fo the Holy Ghofl: (you fee) calls them Names [of Men J ; that is, meerly Humane, of Man's lnfl:itution, and not of God's: For lo are moll: of their Offices thet1Jfelves, and (in a mamier) the Names of them all; they being not fuch Names as the Holy Ghofl: teacheth us to call them by, but luch as the Canons and Confl:itutions of Men have im– pofed. And this may indeed be the true Reafon why this Phrafe,ufed no where elfe, is yet uled here, now when the ruin of the Pope's Creatures comes to be mentioned, as moll: fitly, by [ :J(<;nm of Men J; denoting forth that Evil and Error of theirs, which is one true Caufe of their Ruin. But now for Civil Of– fices and Titles, for them to be of Ma,, (that is, to have their Rile from Men) is proper to them ; and therefore they are called CrMions, or Ordinances of Men, [ &va("".,.;'" K'thet, &c. J 1 Pet. 2. 13. and this, in oppofition or diflinll:ion unto Ecclefiaflical Offices, Whereas Eccleliaflick Offices and Names !hould all (for the Foundation of the Calling and Office it fdf) be of God, and not of Men. They are of another Building and Conflitution, although Man defigns the Perlons to them, and that too, in a way of God's Appointment. Thus this Phrale [of Ma" J is ufed of this fort of Oifices,and to this very purpole,in other Places of Scripture. So when Paul fpeaks of his Office of Apofllefhip, and his being defi'gned to it, .Gal. r. r. he uleth_this Phrafe, [An Apojlle neither oj lvla11, nor by Man J ; that is, my Office it felf is not of Man's appointment, nor was I put into it by Ma11, that is, deflgned to it by Man's Choice. Anet al– though that Office of his was an Extraordinary Office; yet other Ordinary Mi-. nifl:ers Offices are Divine for the Inflitution of them, and iri that refpcll:, not of Man, though by Man (that is, the Church) their Perfons be defigned unto thole Office.. For Chrifl is Lord of thefe Adminijlratioi1J or Offices, (as you have it, I Cor. D. 4, 5·) and fo rhey hold of him as truly as Gifts (in the fame place are laid to) do of the Spirit, and Operations of the Father. And Men are no more to a!fume to appoint Church-Offices, than they are able to give Gifts, or to blots thole Gifts with Operations; and when they'·do fo, they dero– gate from Chrifl: the Lord as truly, as they !hould from the Holy Ghofl:, in at– tempting to bcfl:ow (upon fuch as Simon Magm, who defired it) the Gifts of the Spirit. No, it is God, who bath fet [<amJ (as you have it; ver[28. of that Chapter) Teachers as well a. Apojlles ;, the Cf.urch. P.rd there rcxkons up Ordinary Otlicers, as well as Extraordinary; for the infiitution of the one is from God as well as the other. Now therefore, when the Holy Ghofl here fpeaks of thofe falfe :J(ames and Titles of Church-Officers, which Chrifl: appointed not; he difclaims them from holding of him ; but calls them 'J(ames of Men, as being of Hu(\lane Creation, whenas they !hould be only of Divine Infl:itution. And fo being Pla11ts which God the Father planted not, they are here faid to be rooted out of this one King– dom or State, where (it feems) they had, been the Caufes and Authors of all this Milchief and Cruelty againfl: the Witne!fes ; and wbi•h through the effica• cy of their working to uphold their Names, had again been become the tenth Part of the City; but now, by this Earthquake, falls fi·om being any longer un• der that Jurifdillion. And together with it are all thole Steeples and Cathedrals, and all thole Names and Titles that belong thereto, utterly fbaken down alfo ~ it being a jufl: Punifhment and Reward of their Confpiracy againf.l: the Wi_. ne!fes, and agency in their Killing. • · ..