Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

vfn ExPosrT ION ~· for, 1. both thefe Kingdoms becoming one under the Pope as their Head, are P A R T I. in their very form of Government, the lmage.of the.Empire under one Empe– ~ ror formerly; :ii1cl lo, the Roman Monarchy, tn the JOtnmg of the{e t-en Kmgdoms under one Head, the Pope, may be fatd fbll to commue. · But befides, 2 . This new Bea!'t is called the Image of the firn Bean, not limply in refpeil of like form of Government and Tyranny; bl!lt furth~r, in a Re– ligious refpccr, in tha.t the Pope and hiS Clergy do mould the Chnntan Reltgwn (which now they profefs) and the Worfbtp thereof, mto a true ltkenets and conformity to the Heatheni!h Religion, which the Empire before was framed un– to. For all the Popifh Wodhtp.ts but the tranflaung of thofe Ceremomes, wherewith thole falfe Gods, Jupiter, ApoUo, &c. (who were can down under the Gxth Seal) were wo'r!hipped, into Religious Ceremonies in their Wor!hip, wherewith they worfhip Chrin and his Saints.. So as,. were any.of the ancient Heathen Romans now alive, and fhould come tnto thetr Aflembhes, and behold their Priens in White, their Proceffions, their Sprinkling with Holy Water, their Altars, Tapers, Images of Saints departed, and their worfhip of them; thei.r 'Pontiftx MaximrH, or Great Btfhop and Htgh Pnelt, &c. they would cry out, and fay, This is jun our old Roman Hea~henifb Religion; only _Jupiter is turned into Chrin, and the Pnens of the G~ds of old, n1to Poptfh Btfhops; and our J\ncien.t Gods, Ma>'J, :ja11rH, lfi.JcttlaptrH, &c. (who were Men departed) are changed for Saints departed: So that the Ltfe of the old Religion remains. flill, tl10 there be a change of the Gods wor!hipped. Thus, as Babe/ of old made an Image, and put to death all that would not fa~l down before it; (o bath Myjlical B"b;.fo11 (for to that Babel,and to that Image,ts the Allufion) fet up an Image of the old Hcathenifh Religion and Worfhip, and upon the like Penalty enjoyns the Adoration of this Image, and a conformity in Worfhip, to all the Subjects of thefe ten Kingdoms. Now the Company that cleave unto this Beafl,and may more or lets be efleem– ed the followers of him, are (as Mr.Brigbtman hath well obferved upon verf. 16, 17.) dininguifhed into three Ranks of Men in feveral Degrees, Come more, fomc lds, acknowledging or cleaving to him, and to this his Image and Worfbip. Some receive his Mark or Character ; Others hiS Name only; Others the Num– ber of his N.1me: But fo,as thofe who will not receive or.fubmit to one ofthefe; more orlefs; during the Time that is allotted him to Reign, may not buy nor fell, that is, cannot fubfin or abide in thefe his allotted Dominions. This re– ceiving (Jf aM"rlz, &c. is a Similitude drawn from the old Roman Cnnom, which was to print on the Forehead of Servants, the Names of their Maflers; and on the Hands of Souldiers, the Names of their Emperors or Generals. So thele Men that do belong unto this Great Lord, and that are of his faction, do accordmgly more or lets recetve that, whereby they may be known to be his. T. Some receive his Character, as all Priefls and Religious Perlons do, whether they be Jeluits or others, who are this Grand Seignielu's Janifaries, his f\vorn Soldiers and Pr<etorian Band. Their Dochice is, that a Man entred into Holy Orders, doth, by his Ordination, receive an indelible Character, a fecret invifibleStamp or Imprets, which can never be rated out. 2. Others receive his Nan_>e ; and {o though not in Orders under him, yet {o cleave to htm and hiS Wor!htp, as themfelves openly profets that they are his by fuffering themfclvcs to be called by his Name, which is that whereby they ~wn him. Thusas he is called 'Papa (the Pope) they profefs themfelves Papijh, or to be of the Popeas thetr Head. And as he IS called Pontifex, they are called Pontijicii. And even as Chri(( is called the Higb Prieji of our Profoflion, (Heb. 3· 2.) and lo we accordmgly called Chrifliam from the Profefl:iori of him: fo the Pope being their Pontifox, or High-Prien of their Profefl:ion, they, to fhew Co much, do hold forth the Profefl:ion of him, by taking his very Name, and in all things fully fitbjeilmg themftlves unto him as his Sons. But now, 3· what fhould be meant by the Number of hir Name; that Mr. Bright"'"" carries rightly to a Company taking part with him, by a more re– mote kind of Subjeilion : but he not knowing well whom to faflen it upon, brings