Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

8z `Cherift Sermon. Godshage- eththelonger forour repentance ; by fomuch when they fall, his judgements are more ment, fearefulland fudden, commingas thelightning out ofthe clowds. And lo faire of it is , . that ourlongprofperitie¡houldeitherfhadowvs from the-plaguing hand rhatweeftould notbeefpied, or !better vs that weefhouldbe fpared ; thatrather as high Oakes ainoieglt low fhrubs,we lie moreopenLobe feeneiand the morereadieto be ftriken when the Lord (hall fend fortit his:thunder-bolts. Hereupon it commeth, thatfomany areeytlier firiken fuddenly deadin the Preetes orin their bottles,or elfe hate theirhearts hardened on their 7oaccept the death-bed. Andhere let allmen beware in timeofcleat ferret and dangerouscorruption . good means of nature, that a man fhould betouched with theword, andhisoívne confciencetell him, God time, th i'hen thatthepowerofGod in his will revealed byGodsminilter, bath furely f}riken him, And torepentance, vet (filch is ourpride) .clofelywill notonelyat that time hide all tokens ofrepentance, andbury all remorleofconfcience ; butalfo vnder hope of halting forrow for finne ata bccke,.and whenheluft, he will deferre itforfootlibecaufe he will not be thoughtby lus prefent repentance, that the word carte fo neere hint; he is loathtogiuethe ininilterof God that honour that hefhouldwound him ; he is afhamedtofhainehimfelfe, asguilrie offuch a finne.Who fo thus delrreth inthediautines ofhis heart (teeingrepentance isnot at our call) let him feare that hisheart ¡hall behardened for the contempt ofthe Toning Rom.z.ç, patience othe-Lord, winchday byday leadethvs torepentance. In this. firth ftreine let vs further learnt efpecially to beware of pleating our feluestoo much inweldoing, becaufe as all other finites are occupiedin vile and tvickedmatrers, this creepethturn intothe beltandmatt excellent things. So that experience ¡tall teach manythis corruption, that the better theyhaue been occupied, themorefubieet menare to fall into it. Whereby there growethnot onely an hautines of mindein richmen, men Of authoritie, and lùch as excell others in outward things : but more periloufly there spirited fpringethvpafpirituallpride in tlitexcellrncie of wit, wifedonte,knowledge, vctetance, pride gracious fpeeches : yea and euen herein are we often proud, Inthat toe feeour pridemore Pray oteü be- Hote. then otherscundoe. And manyof thedearth children of Godoften finde, that when God foreandafter hathmolt arliftcd themwith thefpiritofprayer, exhortation, admonition,interpretation; preaching. or Such like, which be all gifts ofthe fanßifyinglpirit, themore theyhaue betnputt vp with this pride, eitherin the prefent abtion, or afterward. Which thing no doubt pro- ceedeth from hence, that mssenpleafe tlicuafelsies toousuels in tise thing done, and doenot returnethe whole glorie to God. This is noted to vs as it were byexamples -in the word ofGod : Noah, whoman holy feare ofhimfellè preferued from the corruptions of theold world ; by want.offearer andbecaufe ofvnchankefulncfle for hisdeliuerance, was otter- FeareGod taken of drunkennesafter the flood.-Lot, whofulpebtinghimlèlfebeingamongtheSo- vubeothebeti domites,,waspreferued from finne euen in the linkeof finne: afterward waxing remiffe gifterabound inthisgodly.iealoûfie, fell grieuoullie into inceft, euen there wherehe defiredcogne for in thee, his lafetie. David, fo long ashe was exercifed and keptunder thehand of God with figh- ring the Lords battailes, preuailedagainft many and mightie finnes: but when herecei: ued tomebreathing timeof the Lordfrom his former troubles, he was quicklieouercone of a woman, thatcould not beouermatched of many men. Especially then (that I omit theexamplesofHezekab, Peterand Paul, of whome I fpake before) let vs Tooke tooar hearts, afterwe haue. receiued the belt giftes, and let vs confider the great wifedome.of Godprouidingfor our infirini:iei in thatprayerof our Sauiour Chrift,where ìmmediatly afterthat wehaue prayed tohaue our Pnnes forgiven, we crane, not to be leadintotempta- tion.Which would feeine!}range to a man that thereshould be a contmixtion oftwo loch requests, were it not that through corruption we were then molt readie to be tempted, when wehaue tatted of thegreateltmercce. And furelyas this was the firft finewhere- by Satan fattened vpon Adam: fo it is the lair finne which, the mot} godfie fall by. For when all¡inner areas it were wounded, and all graces begin to abound ; euenout of the vain-glorie. alb'esof thofe Pnnesarifeth this monftrous finite of vaine-glorie. Andwhen Satan can finde courteous entertainment, now he will not doubtto preuaile by egging vs to this one finne, that is, tobe protide forouercomnting fo many tinsses, and excelling in fo many graces. Surelieif thediuellmiftrulted not this weapon ofprookeuen in paradife, and