Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

92- `Ihefeenenth Sermon. dignitieof Gods word,in that no wonders fromheaven, nomiracles on earth can touch our hearts, and workeinvs any good frurtwithou the faine. For thoughthe Lord fhould *Thewveto vsall the wonders frombeauen, which be (hewedon the old world, andon So. dome,although he fhould lay all the plaguesvpon vs,which he laid onPharaoh,and on the Egyptians, without the word of God, we fhould be as vnprobtable beholders, as ruer werethe Sodomites, and fhouldbecome as hard hearted as euer were Pharaoh, and the Egyptians ; fo that no iudgement from heauen , no troublefrom earthcan humblevs, no Threewager. bleffing from above,nobenefitfrom beneath can profit vs, vitill the word of Godcoin- meth,which teacheth the oldway toforfake it,thcnew way to enterinto it, and theperfeih way tocontinue in it. And thus much forthegenerall fcope of thisdo&rive. Now more particularlywe mayoblèrue-in tits firth part three things. Firlt, the power Note. of the word topricke our confciences. Secondly, that this pricke muff not caufe in vsa more rebelling againft the wordor minifters thereof:. but rathera greater reuerenceto The Hi entry them both. Thirdly,fuch prickesmutt preparevs toa greater delre toprofit. For the fir(t top/a es, wetnutt know,that thisis thebeginning ofrepentance,and this is theenuietogodlinc(fe, and oftpentanceg even ro conceine a forrowfor our ftnnes, and fo bewounded with a feelingofour ends. iragoalyfor- For aslongasmen are fecure,it is notpoflible thatthey fhould ferioully applytheir winde raniforAxe. unto doftrine, neitherwithout the knowledgand feelingof our flumes can we heartily longfor Chrift. To this agree the Law, theProphets,and theApoftles. The law,becaule in all their facrifices, wherein Chrif'. was prefigured, was manifetted alfo under darke fignes,the contrition ofheart, and acknowledgingtheirvnworthineflè. The Prophetsas Pfa1.4.9. DauidandEfsyy.DauidinthefourthPfahneandliftverlefi th,Trembleandfinnenor:cvhere the Prophet iheweth, that this isan effeúluall thing to true repentance, to quake and rresssbiefor feare of Godssudgesnents. Thatwe may then truely examine our /dues, we mutt feare and humble our lelues becaule before trouble, terrour, and quaking at the judgements ofGod,wewill newerbebrought to offerour felues to driftalone.lnPfalme 51.verf. r 8.19. the Prophetlskewife fheweth, that no facri6ce is acceptableto God with- out acontrite heart,that is, neither prayer, neither alines-giuing, neither praife ofthankf- giumg, vnlcs we bringingan humble and contrite fpirit withvs, callour Gluesdown before hiss iudgement feate,andMe formerciein Chrilt. And heremarkethat he faith, The facrificeoof Godare a troubledfypirit, err. where he vfing the plural! number fheweth, that the sacrificesofrepentance,wlúchumft notbeone, but many, arehumbiencs ofthefpiñt, and contritionof heart. For the affli&ionofthe fouleand contrition ofthe minde, doefo calf vs downe, woundedwith our fins, and h mnblcd witha feeling ofGods wratb,as that itmakethvs to acknowledge thative are nothing of ourfelues,and toleeke for ourfalua- clon wholy at themercìeofGod. No marueile then (teeing by thismeanes webeing con- founded and afbamedofour felues,and ftaying ourlclues on theonlyproimfes ofGod,do come to confeffe our owne nakednes and wretchednes) if theProphet Mould fay, thatthe Lord is pleafed,with this facri6ceaswith the facrifice offacrifices.TheProphetEfa v.4o,6, Efay 4o:6,7í8. 7,8.Iaith.Al1fielhisgraffe, and thebeautie therofas aflowero fgraffe,thegraj withereth,andthe flowrefalleth,ivhen thebreathoftheLordfalleth oponit. Where the Pi-cipherpainting out man his proper colours, and driuing him toleeke out faluationnot inhimfelfe,but nCbrid, defcribeth the outward part of manto be as graffe;and by the flower ofgraffe,he (heweth his giftsofnundebeing vnregenerate,as wifedome,memorie,knowledge, and vnder(tan+ ding.So that,vhen Gods fpirit doth but breatheon vs,all our wifdome,all ourknowledge, tidies,and avthoriticfall before thepretenceof the Lordof Isoli,, neithercanwereinaine, but only by the word ofGod,whcreby weareborneagaine.Wherfore theconfideringand meditating ofour trap frtorieeflate,driueth vs to a contrition andhuinblenes offpirit. Be- fidcs,tbe Lord God,faith Efay,evl:om theheauens cannotcontaine,nor the earth holdwill Efay . somranddwefliritbalondi,poore,andtroubledfpirit ,andwhichflandethinameofhi.retord. God dullnot accept our fäcrifices , which are offered without trembling at his word, nomore then ifwefhould kil aman,and choke a dogge,or offerurines 6cili,whichwas counted an abominable thing among the Iewes,or praile the thingdials vnright.Laftly,to this accor- Mauls .i3, deal the Golpell,and the Apoltles. OurSauiour Chrift,Matth..9,, 1C4MC not tocall the