Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

1+6 e/lfweetconfort peaceof a good confcience, Concerning our outwardfufferings, we Iba!! finde that the Lord by his fatherlyand touingchaftifements, intendeth nothingmorethen to proue our obedience, as good reafonit is that he fhould,and to confirmeour faith,as alto is moil ne, ceflarie.Howbeit 1 }dl asIfaid,he vfeth afatherly correttion,that is,inmercy,rneafurc,and judgement. For as heftriketh vs downe inangerfor our finnes with theonehande, a he raifethvsvpagain in louefor our faluation with the other hand. Foralbeit his correhi_ onshe wearifome wounds toflefh and blood, yetare they foueraigne medicines to the fouleand confcience, efpeciallywhen the Lord giuethvsthat priuiledge ofhis children, thatby hisholy fpirit he Both ouermatter vs, leaft thatfinally wefhould be his ìudge, and henotours. Andfor this caufe the Lord is often times prouoked to puton (as itwere)a contrary face, and tolockevs vp in a prifonofaduerfitie, torefiraine vs from thelibertie Howgreatly ofourfinnes,which Sabanfaine would make viviolently to rufh into. And furelythough to account of thewifedome of the flefhperfWadeth vs thatnothingis better then to be fpared, andnot ourafJitót2onr. tobeefpied when the Lord calleth vs to reckoning ; yetthe fpirit fhewing our defperate eftate, without the lieueofafli&ion, andboulterofaduerfitte, teachethvs that Wecan. : not ofall the blefliings of God fufficiently efteeme this, being the mother of humilitie, and source of true repentance. Againe, the Lord often by inward temptations and outward crollès, draweth vs from the (take of fecuritie and vntowardnes to good worker; leaft in time wee fhould loofe the experience of our knowledge and faith in Chrift,andfeeke tome eafier kinde of life for flefh and blood. Neither can wetruely re- pent, vntill by fomemilewe know thisworld tobe a place offorrow, andnot of mirth Profperitie anddelightRor folongas wemake our profperitie abulwarke tobeatedowne allharines, bowdan%e- weeare tolooke for aduerfitie to beatedown the high fadeofourproudhearts,where- courtofome. bywe gadafter our owne luffes, and leaue theanchorof peace, which is our trufe iiiGod. Let vs !carne then, when the world beginneth to fauour vs, andwehaue as it werean hnndreth thoufandfouldiers, tobeare vs vp, not to be fecure; for there is nothingmore Seeuritie. eafiefor a:nan, then for tomake himfelfebeleeuethache (ball alwáyescontinue inhap- pie eftate, and thinke he(hail die in the nett. But we muffbe as birds on a bough, tore- moue at Godspleafure,andchatwithout refrftance when theLord fhall ¡dicevs. Andbe. cauteweare giuen toomuch to thinke that wehaue the things inour owne right, which we holdofthe freegoodnes of God : weare taught inaftlibbron how hainous vnthanke.. fulneffe it wereto bindethe Lord continually to entertaine vs in this lifeat fo full charge andcoft, without refpedh of hisfree andvndeferuedgifts : orto holdplea againft, and f ue hire as it were by an obligation, atwhole handerweought tobegge daily ; andatwhof gatewereceiueall our maintenance : or tomake a rent charge ofall that which hegiueth ofhisfree liberalitie. Thus intheend wechalengeGods giftsas ourowne, andmakeac- count tohaue their companieto the graue, whereby weprouoke the Lord oftento proue Patienceun- to ourfaces,that all thatwe haue is but lentand borrowed.Let vsthen hauefuchan eyero der tincrop. curryblow, thatwhenfoeuer theLord shalllay any eroticvpon vs,we bereadie ro receive it, and toyeelde vp our bondsvnto him,theconditionwhereofis, thatwebereadie tore- moue whenfoeuerhe pleafeth, knowing that Godsprouidence forcethvs alwayes to the belt, and asmoltmay make for the hafteningof ourfoules toour euerlaftinginheritance. Letvs learnenot to recken withòut our hoff, and that wee hold our profperitie of the Lord not in feefunple, but astenants at will, that is, fromday today, refignmgtoGod the foueraigntieof reuoking vs when it leafeth him. Thus it becommeth the Lord to change ourelfare, that we become not (oared in tile gifts ofprofperitie, and become fo foolifh as not to keepe on our way to the heavenly life. Our naturali inclination is to forget that we are on earth as pilgrims; toIrape vp into the clowdes,and toproinifevn. toour felues thewhole courfeofour lines tobee in profperitie : and fo long as God let- tech vs aloneat ourcafe, wetake our felues (as it were) tobepectic Gods. But whenwe fee our felines fhutvp, and know not what will be theende ofour miferie, findingour felue;to be intertained in this life but as iourney men, waged for the prefent day, but notknowing whatwill become of vsthe day fol lowing: we defire tocakeour reftin the bofomeof Godsprouidence, and fomuch we ffrike our failes the lower, when theLord proclaimetir