Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

I7+ efftreatife ofthe Sahboth. . feuere cenfours of the letter', and too fecure obferuers of thematter' of theLawc. Our Saviour thereforein effelt meaneth thus much, thatasit wasnot lawfull to eatetliefhew. breadvfuallyor ordinarily,and yettoBate it vponneceflitieitwas not vnlawfull: fo vfu- ally togather corneon theSabboth , mienin timeofharueft, it was not lawful!; and yet extraordinarily,and vpon neceffxieto gather it,wasnotvnlawfull on the Sabboth, which permitted the works ofneceffitie,whereby men might be the betterenabled,and theleffe hindered to doe the workes of that day. And for this caufe,teeing the di(ciples without thisbelpe fhould haue been vnfitter eitherto hauepreached toothers, or heard our Saul.. our, andby it were enabled themore toeither ofthefethings: itis;euident, thatthey were fo farre offfrom breaking the Sabboth info doing,that ratherthey thouldhaue broken it in not fo doing. So that Chrift dot')not onelynotabrogate the Sabboth in this place,but ado reprehending the Pharifes for their mifèonftruing of the Lawe, and coo ftrickt ta- kingit without due confideration of the ende thereof : hee fetteth dotvne a morepure obferuation riche fame. Thefecond The fecondreafon,which isdrawne fromthe Lawitfelfe, and from the Prieftesowne regrow. praólife, maybegatheredout of the fiftand fiatverfes : Haveyee not read in theLaw, how thaton theSabbothdayes the Prieff rin the 'templebraketheSabboth,aoul are blameleffe? 6. Bat / fayTintoyou,hereisonegreaterthen the Temple. As if heIhould hauefaid, Verelyyee mí. conftruetheSabboth ; yeemuft better confider , what kindeofworkes the Sabbothfor. biddetb, to wit, the workesof awns ordinarie callinges, notbeeing.httefor thedigni. tie ofthe Sabboth , and nothing tending to the worfhippeof God : but if they be- feeme the dignitie of that day, andare done for God his holy worfhippe, they arenot vnlawfull. Aduifeyour fettles, I prayyou, doe notenen your owne plates on the Sob- both dayflay their beaftes tofacrifice? doethey notcircumcife on that day? and doe yee notcarie your children-to theTemple tobecircumcifed,which arc workes both in refpeft ofyour Prieftes and you ; and yet in that inbete}hinges yee are made the fitter to frene God in his worfhippe,yee thinke them not vnlawfull ? Likewifeknow,that thisplucking of the cares ofcorne inmy Difciples, isno worke of their ordinarie callings :but to make them moreable for the worfhip of God. In that hee nameth the Prieft, heefheweth that hee rather fpeaketh againft the-perfonsethen agairdhthe caufe, and ftrangleth themin their owne argument. Porthe anfwerein effea is this: IfmyDifciples prophane theSab-. both, then did yourowns priehises the fame. Vderrhiswe may concis theanhivereofour Sauioar Chrift to theIewes, whoaccufed him for healingof the fickeman on theSabboth day, Iohn 5.17. My Father worketh hitherto,and Iworke: that is,as thy-Father ceafed from theworkes of Creation,yet he ceafednot froindoinggood on the Sabboth : fo thoughI and myDifcipleshaueceafed fromourordinariecallings , yet ceafewee not after theFa. therhis owns example, to doethe workes of mercieon theSabboth. For the workes of fr e,kes efthe God hisprouidence are tobedone every day. Seeinghe thenvouchfafeth to put vs in his Sabboth. Read todoe good things, weemay lawfully-doethem thoughwith fomehodily labour, as wee mayon that day relbrt to the imprifòned, fiat the ficke, relieue the needie, recon- cilethe vncharitable, and admoniih the vnrulie, Andwhy ? weefeeke notherein our owne profite, but the profite ofour brethren : wee detre not ourowne glorie, but the glorieof God. Inwhich cafes wee arenotforbidden, but commaunded to doegood on the Sabboth. Ifwee Tookenarrowly into thehiftorie of our SaüíourChrift, wefhall fee it was mollvftiall veto him toheale the ficke, to rettore fighttotheblinde, to open the mouthes of thedumbe, and tofrequentlikeexercifèson the Sabbothday. And for what caufe? Becaufeonotherdaies men following their ordinarycallings, could not fo well fol- low hint : but onthe Sabha!) day,theirother butnesfetapart, theyattendedon himwil- lingly,& refortedtogether;fo that,ifhehad donethefethings on theother daies,heflìould banehindered theordinary callingsof men, bythe concourfe ofpeople : or elshee fltould haue done them to theWC glorie to God, if nocompany norconcourfe had beenemade Wherefore as both thepeople on that day were fitteft ro come to Chrift: fo Chrift was thenmoftready,when Insworks altomight moltmake forGodhisglorie. Betdes, lie did then tilde things rather,that hemight weanethe Iewes fromtheir fuperftitiousopinionof the