Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

ZZ graue Counfeds Meditation. I Rditation is thevery life and ftrength of reading, hearing, prayer andSacra ments,without which they are made weakeand vnprofitablevnto vs. MYYbatmedi- z Meditationis that exercifeof the minde,wherebywee callingto ourremembrance hawk,. thatwhich wee know, doefurtherdebate of it, and applieit to our felues,thatweemight haueforcevfe of it inourpraail'c. Remembring formething heard'or read. rt.Thememorie. 3 Inmeditations two parts ofchefoule Gathering foineother thingvp- CCaufes. are occupied: [a. The vnder- on that which is remembred,{( Fruites. ftanding. L as namely,in finding out the Properties. q. The worke wrought intheaffe&rons isthis, that they areframed either to loue or hatred,hope orfeare,ioyor lorrow,according tothediuerfrtre ofthe thing whichthe rea- fonablepart hath ferioully confidered of. For example, a manthen medhtateth on the word,when he foremembreth it andmufèth onie,that hegoeth frompoynt topovnc, ap- plying generally tomethings vnto himfelfe, and wifely examining how the cafeRands betwixttheLord andhim m thofe things, whereby he feting what is like to followvpun it,hathhisheart flirted vpto put tomething inpraótife. s Inhearingof thewordwith others,and readingof it by our felues,we thinkwe bane todealebutwith men,becaufethofearebut outward things, many menwill carriethem- Gaa1y medita- felues cheerefully :but there is nothing moretediousvoto vs, (withoutGods fpeciall af-- tinpainfull, fiflance)than by meditation to call our fettlesto accountbeforeGods judgement flaw for that which wehaue heard, and todeale with ourhearts in good earnef: for the doingor notdoing of thethingswe hate learned: and without hypocrrfieto lay our hearts naked beforeGod,accufing our felues whenwecome frort ofany thing, prayingalfo for grace therein,confeffing our fumes thatwe banebeen rebuked of, and craningforgiueres : ac- knowledging hismercie where weehaue receiuedany thing, and begging for theconti- nuanceof it : and to todepart awayeither more humbled in our felues, to auoide fine more carefully, or comforted intheLord to'goe on forward in weldoing more cheere- fully. 6 Agreatcompanie ofmen,andeuen many profeffers,hauean euillopinion of medi- tation, becaufe (haling purpoledtopaffe their time in mirth) they feare if they fhould dealethus ftreightlywith themfelues,leaft it would.makethem melancholikeand beanie: vponwhich occafron,they will tick fo much asabide to be alone, nay in the companieof graue and fobermen : and tokeepe them from this, force of great place are content to maintaine Iefters,&c. Butifwe will confider theprofits whichcrone to that whovfe me- ditation,andthe hurtswhich fall on themwho vfe it not, we (hall beeafilyperfwadedto embrace it. Commodities ofineditetion,and hurts ofahewantthereof. e TFwemeditate ofthofe generall rules which wehaue heard outof theword,wee!hall pçal rrga Imany times feemorecleerely into the truethof it, thanhe that preachech,or at leaft wiferthorny more thanhee exprefedvntovs. Forby the fpiritof Godwee hallbe taught to applie ie teachers. more particularly toour felues, thanher did or could doe, becaufeweeare moft panicto ourowne efate. z Thofe thatmuch meditate,become thereby the godliefi men andmotprofitable to themfelues and others : becaufe meditation fo increaleth knowledge invs, asthat itefpe- eially breedeth good affedtions,and quickeneth themmoft,being begun invs,andbyour affections we arecarried topra&ifegoodneffe in ourfelues. Contrarhwife,they whichvfe not meditation,cannot attain to thatknowledge, which otherwife theynighthaue. For we