Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

Ofeale. 65 whiteft wehuewee lanetime to repent, andtime toglorifieGod: but after deaththereit notime left for repentance. Whofoeuer then cloth notaccompt thevfe of life a fingulat benefit,though he doe earnwant thingsneceffarieforthe faine, he is vnworthieof life,or ofany other the blef6ngs ofGod therein. Theendof all then is this,thatpatience is wrought invs, and ffrengthened by the afro= conedfan. ranee ofGods mercies,byfaith inChrift,by hopeofeuerlaftmg life, and by truft in Gods prouidence : and thereforethecarking care of thefethings is leftto the Gentiles, which are ignorant of the forgiuenes offinnes, of Godsprnuidence, andof euerlafting life: fo that ifwee be like themin theregreedie defires, it argueththat either weeknownot there things, or if in iudgement wedoe conceive them,yet inheart wee doenot beleeue them, By meditation therefore ofthefe things weemuff learnspatience,wherebywee may oiler- comeour murmuringand grudgingnature,whenfoeuer ourflefli byany occafionrspro., stoked thereunto. FINIS. OF ZEAI:E THE THIRD SERMON. Reuel. 3.19. Be Zealousthereforeandamend. Szcahe can neuerbe fufl cientlycommended, fo touch helleway iteffeauallybeperfwaded tomany : howbeit, thatwe may tha- dowoutforne Anatomicthereof, let vs firft fee how Godcorn- maundeth it, thenhowhe rewardethit, that fo we may themore freely withgreater authoritie fpeakeof the thing it felfe, what is the vfe of the former foue commaundements, but that we fhouldwich zealeworfhip the Lord. Thefirlt precept charger) all men with thematter of God hisworfhip, fhewing what it is. The fecond charged) vs with the manner, prefcribing howwe a muffvfe it. Thethird impofeth on vs the right endofhis worfhip, andteacheth whywe 3 mutt doe it. Thefourth commaundeth vs the time, and inftruetethvs when we inuft fo- 4 Iemnelyprofetreandexercifethis worfhipofGod. Concerning the large promifeoffered topure zeale, what is greaterthen that the Lord fhould binde himfelfe toaduance them into the chaireof honourbeforeall theworld, whowill honour him? Againe, thatlie will defame themmolt finely withfofne notablemarke ofinfamie that dithonour him : yea, ándhe will vomit them vp asa lothfome burthen, to tettifie hisvtter miflikingof them. Firft now letvs confider how true zeale beginneth inourfelues, and taketh hisprocee- Rulesoftrae dings to others. For neuer canthat man be zealous to others, whichneuer knew tobe zeQ'e- zealoustohimfelfe. And as zealous menintheir afcendent beginat themfelues, and goe to others i fo in their retrograde they coinfromothers,and end in themfelues. Ifwe con G 3 fisher