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2 Mr. NE AL'S II' Vol. of the Controverfy, which has flept for force Years, and for feveral good Reafons, fhould not have been brought again upon the Stage at this time. The Diffenters (it has been thought) were once eafy under that Indulgence, with which the Law has favour'd them ; and the Members ofthe Church were far from grudging them any thing they were in poffeffion of, fo long as they ufed no Endea- vours to oift their Toleration into an EftablAment. But when lar'ge Volumes shall be written with a defign to inflame, and conjure up that Spirit of Fanaticifm, which has not been heard of for force Years ; when old Favours (hall be little efteem'd, unlefsnew ones may be thrown in, to turn the Scale in favour of the Diffenters ; when falfe, or at leafs miffaken, or mifreprefented Fads (hall be produ- ced, in order to prove the Hardfhips the Purtians and SeparatUts labour'd under, during thePeriod of his Hiftory ; and no Notice taken of the Provoca- tions given by them, how indifferently fupported their Scruples were ; and how much they were an over -match for their Adverfaries in Scurrility and foul Language : When thofe very Principles, and that darling Spirit of Liberty (or rather Licentiouf- nefs) which once contributed to the over- turningof both the Monarchy and EpiEopacy, (hall be much applauded; Mr. Neal, I think, cannot juftly take it amifs, if the Friends of the Eftablifhment are upon their guard, if his Authorities are ftridly examin'd, and his Fads fairly (fated, and fet in a true Light; which, tho' it may not contribute to the enlarging his Hiflory, will certainly enable him to make it more exad, whenever it comes to ano- ther Impreflìon. Had the learned Author of the Vindication of the Government, Doflrine and Worfhip of the Church of England, eftablUhed in.the Reign of teen Eliza- beth ; againji the znjurio is Refletlions of Mr. Neal, i?