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y4 Publifh'r, TH E Spirit of Infidelity dete&ed: in Anfwer to á fcanda, Mous Pamphlet, intituled, The Spirit ofEcclefiafticks of all Sects and Ages, as to theDo&rines of Morality ; and more parti- cularly the Spirit of the ancient Fathers of the Church, examin'd: By Moní: I3arbeyrac. In which the Fathers are Vindicated; the grofs Fa`fhoods of that Writer expofed, and his innumerable In-: confinences aswelí as thole of the Independent Whig, his Infidel Prefacer, are fully laid open: By Zachary Grey, LL. D. Re&or of Houghton-Conquefl in BedfordAhire. The Second Edition, Cor- re&ed and Enlarg'd; to which is added, a,Preface, in Anfwer to Monf. Barbeyrac's Short Inve&ive againft Dr.Waterland, Prefix'd to his lait French Edition.of Puffendorfde Officio Hominis & Civis. Printed for R. Gaffing, y Clarke, and W. Thurlbourne. BOOKS Printed for R. GOSLING. I.AVindication of the Gotpel of St. Matthew, againft a Iate Trait; entituled; A affertation or Inquiry concerning the L ,nonicai Authority of the Gofpel according to Matthew. Price i s. 6J. And aifo, II. A Supplement to the Vindication,. Prie t s. III. A Reply to the Defence oft Differta`ion:or, Inc,IJiry coR- cernii7g the G'ofpel according to St. Matthew. Price r s. 6d. IV. A fecond Vindication of the Gofpel of Sr. Matthew: jn Anfwer to the fecond Defence of the DifTertation or Inquiry cone cerning St. Matthew's Go riel. Price I s. V.- A Critical Examination of the late New Text and Verfion of the NewTeftamenc in Greek and Englifh; where the Editor's corrupt Text, falfe -Verftern; and fallaciotes Notes are..dete&ed and:,eeníúred; his Cavils againft the Canon of the New Tena- nient are refuted; the Blunders and Iniquities of his various Readings are expofed ; and Juitiee in particular is done to the famous Text of John v. y. againit his partial Reprefentation of that Matter. To which is addled, A Defence of the Divine. Authority cf the Book-of Revelations, againft the Editor of the New Teilament; and the Author of the Difcourfe Hiftorical and Ciiticäl on the Revelation afcribed to St..'ohn;. wherein parti- cularly the CharaE'ters of many eminent Fathers are vindicated at;línft the Calumnies of the Writers.. aforementioned. In Three Parts. Price as. ea-h. All by the Reverend Mr. Twells. VI. T-ht Hiflorp of Infant Baptifm. In Two Parts: The Fir ft, containing all fuch Patï'ages in the Writers of the four firtt Centuries, as do make for or againft it. The Second, contain- ing fevers! Things that do help to illuftrate the Paid Hifory. By W. Wall, Vicar of Shoreham in Kent. Third Edit. Price to s.. VII. Dr. Lucas's Enquiry after Happinefs. In Three Parts. Price rór. VIII. l'raEtical Chrillianity: or, An Account of the Holinefs which the Gofpel enjoins, with the Motives to it, and the Re medies it propoi'es againft Temptations: With a Prayer con- cluding each diflin& Head. To which are added, Chrifiat Thoughts for every Day of the Month : Wherein is reprefented the Nature ofunfeignedRepentance, and ofperfe& Love towards God. By R. Lucas, D, D. The Sixth Edition. 'Price q.s,

An Impartial EXAMINATION OF THE SECOND VOLUME O F Mr. DANIEL NEA LAS Hi Tory of the Puritans. IN W H I C H The REFLECTIONS of that Author, upon King DAMES I. and King CHARLES I. are proved to be groundiefs : His Miireprefentations of the Condu& ofthePRELATES of thofe Times, fully deleted : And his Numerous Miftakes in HISTORY, and Unfair Way of quoting his AUTHORITIES, expofed to Publick View. By ZACYIAR.Y' GREY, LL.D. Rec`tor ofHoughton-Conqu fl in Bedfordfhire. With an APPENDIX, in Anfwer to two Common, but UnreafonableComplaints of the Difenters againíl the Eltabliih'd Church. I. That in 166z, They were obliged to fubfcribe to the Review of the Liturgy, before they could fee it. II. That in King 7AME S IÏ's Time, their Aíliílance in writing againíl the Papifis, was abfolutely refufed by the Licenfers of the Prefs. TosüT@- úv uat 1.;urjF4cpEÚf , E7tiV zuvyçiccç vj e;dflSrt'ta t)s 6 xce!uxós ¢aor, . ' cs otir, wrá, 7á1v ?Xyipwv d GKÿ.av. Lvo,uc;wv. Lucian. 0,1omodo Hiiloria fcribenda fit, Edit.. Bourdelotii, Parif. 1615. ,. Fallitúr egregio quifuisfub7ririepr Servitium: _ nufqua9n Libertas grdtsor extat, uam fish Rlge`fiió Claudian. LONDON: Printed for R. GosLItvc, at the Mitre and Crown, over a- gainit Fetter-Lane End, in Fleetfreet; J. CLARKE, at the Bible, under the Royal Exchange; and W. TnuKLaou&NE, a.t Cantb idge. M. D. C. C. XXXVI,

c= A N Impartial Examination O F T H E SECOND VOLUME OF MT. DANIEL NE A L9S Wary of the Pui-itans. HE Second Volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's HFlory of the Puritans would not probably have made its appear- ance fo foon, had he, before the Pub- lication of it, read over the accurate Remarks upon his Firft, by a learned Member of the eflablifhed Church ; who, in the Opinion of all unprejudiced Readers, has fully demolifhed his Scheme, and prov'd almoft to Demonftration, that a violent Attachment to Party, was one, ifnot the foie Motive, that engag'd him in the revival of a P Con-

2 Mr. NE AL'S II' Vol. of the Controverfy, which has flept for force Years, and for feveral good Reafons, fhould not have been brought again upon the Stage at this time. The Diffenters (it has been thought) were once eafy under that Indulgence, with which the Law has favour'd them ; and the Members ofthe Church were far from grudging them any thing they were in poffeffion of, fo long as they ufed no Endea- vours to oift their Toleration into an EftablAment. But when lar'ge Volumes shall be written with a defign to inflame, and conjure up that Spirit of Fanaticifm, which has not been heard of for force Years ; when old Favours (hall be little efteem'd, unlefsnew ones may be thrown in, to turn the Scale in favour of the Diffenters ; when falfe, or at leafs miffaken, or mifreprefented Fads (hall be produ- ced, in order to prove the Hardfhips the Purtians and SeparatUts labour'd under, during thePeriod of his Hiftory ; and no Notice taken of the Provoca- tions given by them, how indifferently fupported their Scruples were ; and how much they were an over -match for their Adverfaries in Scurrility and foul Language : When thofe very Principles, and that darling Spirit of Liberty (or rather Licentiouf- nefs) which once contributed to the over- turningof both the Monarchy and EpiEopacy, (hall be much applauded; Mr. Neal, I think, cannot juftly take it amifs, if the Friends of the Eftablifhment are upon their guard, if his Authorities are ftridly examin'd, and his Fads fairly (fated, and fet in a true Light; which, tho' it may not contribute to the enlarging his Hiflory, will certainly enable him to make it more exad, whenever it comes to ano- ther Impreflìon. Had the learned Author of the Vindication of the Government, Doflrine and Worfhip of the Church of England, eftablUhed in.the Reign of teen Eliza- beth ; againji the znjurio is Refletlions of Mr. Neal, i?

H f ory ofthe Puritans, examin'd. 3 in his frft I/olume of the Hiftory of the Puritans ; been at leifure to have favoui'd us with his Animad- verfions upon the Second, I doubt not, but his La-. bours would have been attended with equal Credit to himfelf, and Advantage to his Readers : and Mr. Neal from thence would have been directed to a proper Method of new modellinghis Hiftory. But fince that is a Pleafure we are not to expe&, T will give Mr. Neal the belt afiftance I am able, towards the making his Hiftory a more Impartial one at leaft, than at prefent it appears to be. The Second Volume now under confederation, takes in the Reign of King lames I. and a good Part of King Charles's. And how unjuftly he has treated the Memory of thofe two Monarchs, the Reader, I believe, from his own Fa&s fairlyRated, and compared with better Authorities, will be rea- dily convinced. King lames feems to be reprefented under two difadvantageous, but very diffèrent Characters, ,of a Puritan, and a Paps; but how he can reconcile thefe two Charaders, without owning too near a Refemblance of their Principles, I am not able to guefs. The Royal Martyr did not fuffer enough from his Rebel Subjeas, the Ax which feparated his Head from his Body, was not keen enough, but his Memory muff fuffer a fecond Martyrdom, or Per- fecution at leaft, from the much keener Pen of our Learned H ftorian. He is ftigmatized as a Favour- er of Popery, and Arbitrary Principles, as a Prince not true to his Word and Promife ; which Accufi- tions from the Pen of Milton, 7. Goodwin, Lud low, the Author of the lare Hittory of England during the Reigns of the Royal Houle of Stuart, or any profeffed Republican, might have appear'd with a tolerable good Grace ; but how far they B z become

4 Mr. N E A L'S Ild Vol. of the become Mr. Neal, muff be left to himfelf, upon a more ferious Confideration, to judge. Tho' Accuracy and ExaLtnefs in Hiftory is not every Man's Talent, yet even when that is wanting, wemight reafonably expeít Truth and fair Dealing from an Author, who more than once, makes fuch large Pretences to Impartiality. If to difguife or colour over Fads, which, under a fair Reprefentation, would not bear the Tell ; if to warp, curtail, or mangle Authorities, to pick out ofan Author what he likes, tho' never fo flen- derly fupported, and omit taking notice even in that fame Author, ofwhat makes againft him ; if to dwell upon invidious Circumftances in the Cha- racter of an Adverfary, and to pafs over thofe that are favourable withSilence and Neglect ; be Marks, and Chara&erifticks of a Partial Hiflorian ; I de- clare, I know no IIlorian more Partial than Mr, Neal, as I hope to convince the Reader, from a fair State of his Fans, and thofe fewRemarks and Ob- fervations, I (hall make upon them. His firft Attempt is to prove King dames to have been a Puritan before his Accefl'ion to the Englifh" Throne. Is it probable, that this King, after fuch a Series of barbarous and inhumane IIfage from his .Scottifr Subjects ofthat Perfuafion, thould ever have been a Favourer of their Church Government, and Difcipline ? Could Treafon and Rebellion be pro- per Methods of reconciling him to a Kirk, the lea- ding Members of which had given him but too many Proofs of their Inclination to both. The ill Cfage of his Mother, Mary Queen of Scots, no one can be ignorant of, who is the leaft converfant with the Scotch IIiftorians of thofe Times. And their ufùal Treatment of himfelf, and his Friends was fo abominable, that when Mr. Neal comes once to be acquainted with it, I fhould imagine, that even he wouldnot undertakc to juftify it. In

Hifory of the Puritans, examin'd. In * the Year 1582, rthe 23d of Augufi, the King was feiz'd at Ruthven by fome of the Nobili- ty, who carried him to Halyrood Houfe, the begin- ning of OEáober, knowing that the People of Edin- burgh favour'd their Enterprize ; as appear'd by the Triumph they made, -f- fingíng as they went up the Street, the i 24th Pfaim, Now Ifrael may fay, &c. To which Alexander Petrie (a Bigot to Presbytery) adds, it ' That he heard force credible Perfons (which were there at that time) fay, that they added after the Pfalm, Now bath God deliveredus, from the Devil, the Duke, and all his Men. This Attempt at Ruthven, was juftified by ' the Affembly, and declared to be of good fer- vice. Whilít the King lay under Conítraint, two ' Ambaífadors came from France; Monfieur La Motte, and Monfieur Menevil, to folicite his Re- ' leafe; againít whom ** the Minifters of Edits- ' burgh, exclaimed bitterly in their Sermons.' And ±-1-- when the Magiftrates at Edinburgh,at the King's Command, were;defirous offeafting the Ambaffadors before their return to France; ' To hinder this, the Miniílers the Sunday before, proclaim'd a Fait to be kept the Tame Day ; and to detain the People at Church, the three Ordinary Preachers, one after another, made a Sermon at St. Giles's Church, thund'ring Curies againft the Magiftrates and o- ther Noblemen, that waited upon the Ambaífa- ' dors by the King's Direction. And when the Ambaflador.s were return'd, they perfecuted the * Spetfreood's Hiftory, p. 310. Camden's Elizabeth, p. 2.7g. Bithop Bramhall's Fair Warning, p. =6. Spotjwood's Hiftory, p. 310. Alexander Petrie's Compendious Hiftory, p. 431. ** spotJwood, p. 324. ff Id. Ib. Fieylin'sHifìory of the Presbyterians, p. 3r I. 3i thon Bramhall's Fair Warning, p. 14. Alexander Istrie, P. 443. S; Magi

6 Mr. NEAL'S Ih Vol. of the Magiftrates with the Cenfures ofthe Church, and ' were with difficulty ftay'd from proceeding in 6 their Excommunications againft them.' In * the Year 1583, the King by the help of Colonel Stuart, Captain of the Guard, got free from their Reftraint, and publifh'd his Declara- tion, touching the Attempt at Ruthven. ± For which Earl Gowry and others were executed. And the Confpiracy of Earl Gowry, (the Son of the Earl beheaded) to take away the King's Life, tho' it has been called in queftion by fome, yet [ Bifhop Spotfwoodand Mr. Camden, I think, have fo fir cleared that Point, that any unprejudic'd Perfon might be fatisfied, by referring to their Authori-y. But left it fhould not fuffice for the ConviCtion of Mr. Neal, I beg leave toadd an Au- thority or Lwo, which he will not be able to gain- fay. We are told by Dr. Plume, in the Life of Bithop Racket, ' That the Bithop preached before King games upon theGowries Confpiracy, flugufl 5. s And tho' forne People had denied the Treafon, yet this good Bifhop was affured, that Bifhop Andrews once fell down upon his Knees before g King James, and befought his Majefty to fpare his cuftomary Pains upon that Day, that he might not mock God, unlefs the Thing were 4 true. The King replied, thofe People were a much to blame, whowould never believe a Trea- fon, unle`> :heir Prince were a&ually murdered, s But did affure him in the Faith of a Chriftian, ' and upon the Word of a King, their treafonable Attempt againft him was too true.' To which we * Spotfwood's Hiftory, p. 32p, 326. Spotfwood, P. 332, 333 ,l Spotfwood's Hiftory, p. 459, 00. Camden's Elizabeth, p. 59o. Bithop Hacket's Ljk, printed before his Sermons, p. 8. may

Hiftory of the Puritans, examin'd. 7 may acid Bithop Burnet's Authority, which I be- lieve will have the greateft weight with our Hiflo- rian. ' Gowry's * Confpiracy, lays he, was by them charged on the King as a Contrivance of ' his, to get rid of that Earl, who was then held in great Efleem : But my Father, who had taken great pains to enquire into the Particulars of that ' Matter, did always believe it was a real Confpi- racy. One thing which none of the Hiftorians ' have taken Notice of, and might have induced ' the Earl Gowry to have wifhed to put King yames ' out ofthe way, but in fuch a difguifed manner, ' that he fhould feem rather to have efcaped out of ' a Snare hirnfelf, than to have laid one for the King, was this : Upon the King's Death, he ' flood next to the Succeffion to the Crown of England; for King Henry VIIth's Daughter, that was married to King 7ames IV. did after his Death marry Dowglafs Earl of Angus : But they ' could not agree, fo a Pre-contra&was pronoun- ' ced againft him. Upon which, by a Sentence ' from Rome, the Marriage was voided, with a Claufe in favour of the Iffue Pnce horn under a Marriage de facto, and bondfide ; Lady Marga- ret Dowglafs was the Child fo provided for. I did perufe the original Bull confirming the Di- ' vorce. After that, the Queen Dowager marri- ed one Francis Steward, and had by him a Son, made Lord Methuen, by King 7ames V. In the ' Patent he is called Frater No,Jter Uterinus. He had only a Daughter, who was Mother, or Grandmother to the Earl of Gowry : So that by this, he might be glad to put the King out of the way, that fo he might fland next to the Sue- ' cefïion of the Crown of England.' * Bifhop Barnet's Hiftory of his own Time, p, is. B 4 Their

8 Mr. N E A L'S JJd Vol. of the Their Clergy were fo infolent to the King, that I cannot perceivehow they could be his Favourites. One of them named Welch, railed at the King in one of his Sermons, faying ; * ' That he was ' poffeffed with a Devil ; and one Devil being put ' out, feven worfe were put into place ; and that the Subjeas might lawfully rife, and take the ' Sword out of his Hand ; which he confirmed by the Example of a Father, that falling in a Phrenfy, might be taken by the Children and Servants of the Family, and tied Hand and Foot ' from doing Violence.' And t how well they ufed the Scotch Bithops, whom they would have made fubje& to their Pref. byteries, let fllexander Petriebe Witnefs, to whom I refer the Readers. But notwithftanding thefe Authorities fully con- vince me, that the King was always a Favourer of Epifcopacy ; yet it is very proper, that Mr. Neal's Authorities, in fupport of his contrary Affertion, should be produced, which are as follow. CHAP. I. NE AL's Hifloryof the Puritans, Vol. II. p. 2. King James's Behaviour in Scotland, raifed the Expectations and Hopes of all Parties: The Puri- tans relied upon his MajeJty's Education, upon his fubfc--ibing the Solemn Leagueand Covenant, and upon his Publick Declaration in the general 4/fembly at Edinburgh 159o. when flanding with his Bonnet of, and his Hands lifted up to Heaven: [Calder- * Sp®tfwood's Hi(ory, p. 332, 333. -- Fettle's Compendious Hißory, p. 433. wood's

Hif1ory of the Puritans, examin'd. 9 wood's Hillary of Scotland, p. 256.] He praifed God, that he was born in the Time of the Light ofthe Gofpel, and in fuch a Place, to be King of fuch a Church, thefincereft, the [pureft] Kirk in the World. The Church of Geneva, (fays he) keep Pafch and Tule [Eafter and Chriftmas] what have they for them t They have no Inftitution. As for our Neigh- bour Kirk ofEngland ; their Service is an evilPaid Mafs in Englifh ; they want nothing of the Mafs but the Liftings. I charge you my good Miners, Doc- tors, Elders, Nobles, &c. to Rand to your Purity, and to exhort the People to do the fame. And I for- footh, as long as I brook my Life, 'hall maintain the fame. Whether King James, or the Author, or Au- thors of the * Abftraft ofCalderwood's Hiftory, is molt to be credited, the candid Reader muff be left to judge from King James's own Words, upon other occafions. ' Take t heed (fays he) there- ' fore my Son of fuch Puritans, very Pelts in the Church and Commonwealth, whom no Deferts can oblige, nor Oaths or Promifes bind, breath- ing nothing but Sedition and Calumnies, afpiring ' without Meafure, railing without Reafon, and making their own Imaginations, (without any Warrant of the Word) the Square of their Con- ' fciences. I proteft before the great God, and ' fince I am here upon my Teftament, it is no ' Place for me to lye in, ye !hall never find with any Highlandor Border Thieves, greater logra- ' titude,and more Lyes and vile Perjuries, than with ' thefe Fanatick Spirits, and fuffer not the Princi- Calderr.cod (fays Bifhop Nicholfin, Scotch fliflorical Libra- ry, p. 197.) wrote a Church-Hittory of Scutland, ofwhichon'p an Abitraa is publiíhed, Edinburgh 1678. Tile Author's entire Work is in fix fair Vols. Folio, in the Library at Glafgor'. t BaiT,sxoy Aoopjv, ad Part. King j ames's works, Folio, p. 160. pals

ao Mr. NEAL'sIId Vol. of the pals of them to brookyour Land, if you like to ft at reff ; except ye would keep them for trying your Patience, as Socrates did an evil Wife.' The King publifhed his Doren Bafiflicon in the Year 1599 ; the Occafion ofwhich the Reader will meet with in * Spotftvood. And Camden fays of this Book, ' That in it is molt elegantly pourtray'd, and let forth, the Pattern of a molt excellent, and every way accompl.ifh'd Prince. Incredible it is, how many Mens Hearts and Affedions he ' won unto him, by his correcting of it ; and what an Expe&ation of himfelf he raifed amongff all Men even to Admiration.' But after all, 'tis probable that this Declaration, which is father'd by Mr. Neal (from Calderwood) upon King lames I. might be hammer'd in the fame Forge, with thole two Famous Proclamations, ifíued forth in the Names of t ' Francis and Marie, King and Queen of Scots, Dauphin and Dauphinefs of Viennois;' in favour of the Reformation in Scotland, tho' both of them were profeffed Ene- mies to the Reformation. And if thefe Reformers could falfify in one Cafe, as 'tis plain they did from this Inffance, (Alexander Petrie, a zealous Presbyte- rian, having given us the Proclamations at large, dated at Dundee, the 14th Day of December, and of their Reigns the Second, and the 1 8th Years 1559. ' Which 11 two Proclamations, he tells us, he had not feen in Print, but had them by him, with the Signet whole and entire, which he re- ' ceiv'd amongff the Papers of john Erskin of Dun :') Why might they not falfify in another ? But the King's Words, upon another Occafion, plainly dilcover the Improbability of this Account. * Spotfroorl's Hiftory, p. 457 t Alexander Petrie's Compendious Hiítory of the Church, :1p. 17. lb, p, 216. <Tho'

.1ifloY,y of the Puritans, exanzin'd I x Tho' * I have liv'd amongft thefe Men, ever ` Pnce I was ten Years old, yet fnce I had ability S to judge, I was never of them ; neither did any , thing make me more to condemn and deteft their Courfes, than that they did fo peremptorily dif- 4 allow of all Things, which had at all been ufed in Popery : For my part, I know not how to an- ' fwer the Obje&ions of the Papifls, when they charge us with Novelties, but truly to tell them s their Abufes are new ; but the Things which they abufed, we retain in their Primitive Ufe, and forfake only the Novel Corruption.' At another time he laid ; t ' It pleafed him, to enter into a Gratulation to the Almighty God, for bringing him into the Promifed Land, where Religion was purely profeffed, where he fat a- , mong Grave, Learned, and Reverend Men, not as before, as elfewhere, a King without State, ' without Honour, and without Order, where beard- ' lets Boys would brave him to his face.' And we find him declaring elfewhere, (J ' That his Mother and he from their Cradles had been haun- ted with a Puritan Devil, which he feared would not leave him to his Grave: And that he would hazard his Crown, but he would fupprels thofe malicious Spirits.' Neal ibid. in his Speech to the Parliament 1593, he tells them, he minded not to bring in Papieal and 4nglicane Bithops. This is grounded upon as (lender an AuthoritJ', as the Declaration before-mention'd, which appears I think fromwhat has been already ob(erved. To which I (hall add one Paffige from the King's Speech in the Star- Chamber, 'tine loth, 1616. * The Sum and Subftance of the Hampton-Court Conference, by Dr. Bartow, p. 74.. + Ibid. p. q,. Peck's Defiderata Curiofa, Lib. f. p 44. ' 'Tis

12 Mr. N EA L 'S III Vol. of the 'Tis * a fign (lays he) of the latter Days draw- ing on, even the Contempt of the Church, and ' the Governors and Teachers thereof now in the Church of England; which I fay in my Confcï- ' ence, of any Church, that ever I reador knew of, . prefent or paft, is molt pure, and neareff the Pri- mitive and Apa/lolical Church, in Dotrine and Difcipline, and is furelieft founded upon the Word of God, of any Church in Chriftendom.' The Papi/ls next lay claim to him, if we will take Mr. Neal's Word for it, but with as little Rea- ton as the Puritans. Neal, p. 3. The Papiffs put the King in remem- brance, that he was born ofRoman Catholick Pa- rents, and had been baptizedwith the Rites andCere- monies of the Church of Rome ; that his Mother, of whom he ufually (poke with Reverence, was a Martyr for the Church ; and that he himfelfupon fundry Oc- cafions had expreffed no dike to her Dottrines, tho' be difallowedof the Ufurpations ofthe Court of Rome over Foreign Princes. That he had called the Church of Rome his Mother-Church; that therefore they prefumed to welcome his Majefly into England, with a Petition for an open Toleration. How far King James affeEted the Romifh Reli- ()ion, or encouraged a Toleration of it, we (hall be able to judge from his own Authority. In his Speech to the Lords and Commons at Whitehall, March a I. 1 609, he has the following Words As 1- for Religion, we have all great caufe to take heed unto it ; Paps are waxed as proud at this time as ever they were, which makes many to think they have force new Plot in hand ; they are waxed fo proud, that force fay, no Man dare prefent them, nor Judges meddle with them, King James's Works, p. 554. 1. King James's Works, p, 544, 547. they

Hifioy of the Puritans, examzn'd. a they are fo backed and upholden by divers great Courtiers. It is a furer and better way to remove the Materials of Fire, before they be kindled, ' than to quench the Fire when once it is kindled. 4 I do not mean by this, to move you to make ftronger Laws, than are already made, but fee ' thofe Laws may be well executed that are in force, ' otherwife they cannot but fall into contempt, andbecome rutty, &c. As for Recufants, let them all be duly prefent- ' ed without Exception: for in Times part, there ' bath been too great a Connivance, and forbear- ' ing of them, efpecially of great Mens Wives, and their Kin and Followers. None ought to be (pared from being brought under the Danger of the Law, and then it is my part to ufe Mercy, as I think convenient.' Inhis firft Speech to his Parliament the 19th of March 1603, before he had been provoked by that hellifh Confpiracy, formed againft him by the. Paps; he plainly difcovers the fmaIl Affection he bore to that Religion. Of * one Thing I would have the Papfs of this Land to be admonifhed, That they prefume not fo much upon my Lenity (becaufe I would be loth to be thought a Perfecutor) as thereupon to 4 think it lawful for them daily to increare their Number and Strength in this Kingdom, whereby if not in my time, at leaft in the time of my Po- fterity, they might be in hopes toereé their Reli- gion again. No, let them affure themfelves,that as ' 1 am a Friend to their Perfons, if they be good s Subjeds;fo Iam a vowed Enemy,and dodenounce ' mortal War to their Errors ; and that as I would be forry to be driven by their ill Behaviour from the Proteáion and Confervation of their Bodies King7(0710 Works, t. 492. and

J9 zq. Mr. Ni AL 's III Vol. of the and Lives ; fo will I never ceafe, as far as I can, to treaddown their Errors and wrongOpinions. For ' I could not permit the encreafe and growing of their Religion without firft betraying of myfelf, and mine own Confcience, &c. and therefore ' would I with all good Subje6ts, that are deceiv'd ' with that Corruption, &c. to affure themfelves, that fo long as they are difconformable in Reli- c gion from us, they cannot be but half my Sub- ' jecfs, be able to do but half Service, and I to want the beft halfof them, which is their Souls.' To this may be added a very material Proof, the Attempt of the Paps to fet afide the King's Suc- ceffion to the Crown of England. ' About * the Year i6or, Pope Clement VIII. fent his Breves (as they call them) into England, warning all the Clergy and Laity, that profeffed the Roman Faith, not to admit after the Queen's Death any Man, how near foever in Blood, to be King, unlefs he fhould bind himfelf by Oath, to pro- ' mote the Catholirk Roman Religion. And Bithop ' Spotfwood informs us, t that all that were Enemies to the Proteftant Religion, the fefuits efpecially, buffed to {tit- up a Party againft the King and his Title to England. They had loft all hopes of gaining his Affection, or obtaining any hopes of Toleration, when he fnould come to the Crown ' and had found their Writings and Pamphlets for the Infanta of Spain her Right, to move few or none. Thereupon they fell to treat ofa Marriage betwixt Lady Arabella, and Robert Prince of Savoy: and that not fucceeding, to fpeak of a ' Match betwixt her, and a Grandchild of the Earl ofHertford's, judging that their Pretenfions being conjoin'd, many would befriend them, to the spotf,»000d's Hittory, p. 464. Camden's Elizabeth, p. f96. 1- spot /mood's Hiftory, p. 470.

Wor-y of the Puritans, examin'd. r 5 excluding the King ofScots. But the Queen, who truly favour'd his Right, dafhed all thefe Pro- ' je&s, and caufed an Eye to be kept upon that Lady, and fuch as reforted unto her. * ' R. Parfons the f efuit, publifh'd a Conference about the next Succefion to the Crown of Eng- land, in two Parts. 'Twas printed 1593 -94, in ' svo. under the Name of N. Doleman, the fecond ' Part of which was to prove that the Infanta of Spain was the legal Heir to the Crown of England : the penning whereof did much endear him to the King ofSpain. But fo loon as this Book peep'd forth, which was accounted a moft heinous and fcandalous Thing, the Parliament enadfed, 35 Elizab. That whofoever fhould be found to have it in his Houfe fhould be guilty of High-Trea- ' fon ; and whether the Printer of it was hang'd, drawn, and quarter'd, (as fume fay he was) I ' cannot affirm.' And can Mr. Neal after all this Proof to the contrary, (to which an infinite Number of Autho- rities to the fame purpofe, might be added) fufpe&t King games to have been a Favourer of Popery, ? With the fame Reafon, and by the very fame-Rule, we might conclude Mr. Neal to be a Favourer of Monarchy, and Epifcopacy ; notwithffanding all the Virulency we meet with againft three admira- ble Monarchs, and fame eminent Bithops, in his two late Performances ; for no other Reaten, than the noble ffand they made, againff thole that were Bigots to the Separation ; and for their ftrhft Ad- herence to the Church eftablifhed. After this, he proceeds to fupport his Evidence in favour of the hopes of the Puritans, in the fol- lowing manner. r Wood's Athen. Oxon. Vol. 1.p. 207. 1ff Edit. London 1691. Camden's Elizabeth, p. 48x, Neal,

I6 Mr. N E A L'S lid 'Vol. of the Neal, p. 5. While the King was in his Progrefs to London, the Puritans prefented their Millenary Petition ; fo called, becaufe it was fubfcribed by a thoufand Hands, tho' there were no more than Soo Hands out of 25 Counties. Dr. Fuller a Favourite Hiftorian, Pays, * ' There were but 75o Preachers hands to it, but thofe all collec`Ied out of 25 Counties; however, for the more Rotundity of the Number, and Grace of the Matter, it pafi'eth for a full Thoufand : which no doubt the Collectors of the Names (if fo pleafed) Haight eafily have compleated.' Mr. Strype informs us, t t That they were fome hun- dreds fhort.' Neal, ibid. It is entitled, The humble Petition of the Miners of the Church of England, deftring Reformation of certain Ceremonies, and Abufes of the Church. The Preamble Pets forth, " That neither as factious Men, affecting a popular Pa- " rity in the Church, nor as Schifmaticks aiming at " the diolution of the State Ecclefiaftical ; but as the " faithful Minifters [Servants, Pet.] of Chrifl, and " loyal Subjects to his Majefty, they humbly defired the " Redrefs offorce [diverfe, Pet.] Abufes." Dr. Fuller gives an Account of their unfair Deal- ing in procuring hands to this Petition. Sure.I am, Pays he, the Prelatical Party complain'd, that to fwell a Number, the Nonconformifts did not chufe, but fcrape Subfcribers ; not to fpeak of ' the Ubiquitarinefs of force hands, the fame being always prefent at all Petitions. Indeed to the ' firft, only Minifters were admitted, but to the latter Brood of Petitions, no hand which had five Fingers was refufed. He obferves of a fubfe- * Church-Hiflory, Book io. p. 7. `l' Life of Whitgift, p. ç6s. II .fuller's Church-Hitory, Book ' o. p. 24 quent

í f1ory ofthe Puritans, examin'cl. z 7 quent Petition, that it went farther than this, as not being for the paring, pruning, and purging, but for the extirpating and abolifhing of Bifhops, and conforming Church- Government to a foreign ' Presbytery.' '" And Mr. Strype obferves, ' That foon after, Copies of this Petition were fent forth into all Quarters of the Realm, with falfe Suggeftions, as if the Ding had lent this their Motion a fa- ' vourable Ear, and given it a kind of confenting Entertainment : and as tho' in all this, they had done nothing, whereunto they were not animated ' and encouraged by forne of special Credit about His Highnefs. But by this Courfe (as fome then obferved) they had alter'd the Name of the afore- faid Schedule, and of an intitled Petition to his Majefty, they had made it a Covert kind of ' Libel: whereby, fecurely as they thought, they ' might deprave and flander, not only the Commu- ' nion-Book, but the whole Plate of the Church, as it flood reformed by the late Sovereign.' Neal, p. 7. The Univerfaty of Oxford publifhed an Anfiver to the Miners Petition, entitled, An Anfwer of the Tice-Chancellor, DoSors, ProSors, and other Heads of the Univerfaty ofOxford to the [Humble, in Tit.] Petition of the Minitiers of the Church of England, defiring Reformation ; [of certain. Cere- monies and Abufes in the Church. Omitted by Mr. Neal] Dedicated to the Archbifhop, the Chan- cellors ofboth Univerfities, and the two Secretaries of State. 'Tis dedicated to the King, with a Preface addreffed to the Archbifhop of Canterbury, to ' the Lord Buckhurft, Lord High -Treafurer of England, and Chancellor of the Univerfity of * Life of Whitgift, p. 56y, C ' OxFord

1; a8 Mr. NEAL'S It' Vol. of the Oxford, the Lord Cecil of Efingden, Principal Se- cretary to his Majefty, and Chancellor of the g Univerfity of Cambridge, Lords of his Majefty's moil Honourable Privy-Council' We have next a Specimen of this Gentleman's great Accuracy in Hiftory, who tells us, Neal, p. to. (from Strype's Life of Whitgift, Append. N°. 43.) That the old Zrchbifhop was doubtful of the Event, for in one of his Letters to Cecil Earl of Sa- lisbury, he writes, &c. Cecil was not at that time Earl of Salisbury, but Lord Vifcount Cranburn, and created Earl of Salis- bury * upon the Feaft of St. George, at Greenwich, 1604. and the miftake is not Mr. Strype's, but Mr. Neal's, as appears from the Place referred to in Strype's Whitgift, App. Book4. N°. 43. p. 23o. The Title of this Letter : ' The Archbifhop of Canterbury to Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, cons cerning the Endeavours of the Puritans,, with the c King, and his own Diligence in behalf of the Church, December 12, 1603! His next Attempt is to difcredit the rnoít authen- tic Relation that is extant, of the Hampton -Court Conference. Neal, Ibid. The Divines for the Church appear-'d in the Habits of their refpective Dillinitions, but tho é° for the Puritans, in their Furr Gowns, like Turky- Merchants. -f- ' The Bifhop of London in his Remark upon g their Habit, alledged a place out ofM. Cart- ' Wright, affirming, that we ought rather to corr- ' form ourfelves in Orders and Ceremonies to the ' Fashion of the Turks, than to the Paps, which Pofition he doubted, they approved, becaufe, ' contrary to the Order of the Univerfities, they * Sanford's Genealogical Hitt. of the Kings ofEngland. p. 5z3. Peerage of England, Vol. i. p. 198. t Barlow's Sum and Subítance of the Conference, &c. p. 27. appeared

Wary ofthe Puritans, examin'd. 1 9 appeared before his Majefty in Turky-Gowns, not in their fcholaftick Habits, forting to their De- grees.' Neal, p. r t. The Account of this Conference was publed only by Dr. Barlow, who being a Party, (rays Fuller) fit a(harp Edge on his own; and a blunt one on his Adverfaries Weapons ; Dr. Sparks and Dr. Reynolds complaiiz'd, that they were wronged by that Relation, andDr. Jackfon declared, that Barlow repented upon his Death-Bed, of the Injury he bad done the Puritan Miners at the Hampton-Court Conference. Peirce, p. 153, 154. The Improbability of this Story may be judged of, from the Charmer of his Author, when compared with the much better Authority of Mr. Strype, whore Impartiality Mr. Neal I hope will not call in queftion. And he informs use, That an authentic Relation was drawn up by Barlow Dean.of Chefler, and that by the Arch- bifhop's own Order, which therefore we may conclude, was carefully review'd by himfelf ; and that it might be the more exact and coni- c plete, it was completed and enlarged by the Writer, (before it was publithed) with theNotes and Copies of the Bithop ofLondon, the Deans of Chri/l-Church, Wincheter and Windfor, and the Archdeacon of Nottingham.' Neal, p. 12. In the Common-Prayer Book, his IVlaje/ty had lone Scruples about the Confirmation of Children, as if it imported a Confirmation of Baptifrm ; but the ArchbiAop on his Knees replied, T hat the Church did not held Baptifiri imperft without Con- firmation. Bancroft Paid, it was of Apoflolical .Inf1i- tution, Heb. vi. 2. where 'tis called the Doti'rine of laying on of Hands. From his fubfequent Account of this Conference, in which the Reader will meet with fome things Life oftDhitgift, p. 57 C bordering

Mr. N E A L'S IP Vol. of the bordering upon Contradictions, one would itna. gine, the King could make no fcruples on that fide of the Qaeftion, and he can't forbear (even in the Paragraph here referred to) curtailing the Senfe of his Authors, by omitting the following Words cited byBp. Barlow and Dr. Fuller*; ' So did Mr.Calvin expound that very Place, who withed earnefily theReftitution thereofin thofe reformedChurches, where it had been abolifhed.' Neal, p. 14. Mr. Patrick Galloway, who was prefent at the Conference, gives this Account of it to the Presbytery ofEdinburgh ; That,on January 12th, the King commanded theBifhops, as they would anfwer it to God in Confcience, and to himfelf upon their Obe- dience, to advife among themfelves of the Corruptions of the Church in Dotlrine, Ceremonies, andDifcipline, who, after Confultation reported, that all was well; but when his Majefty with great Fervency brought"In- fiances to the contrary, the Bithops on their Knees with great earneflnefs craved, that nothing might be alter'd, left Popith Recufants punifhed by Penal Statutes for their Difobedience, and the Puritans punifhed by De- privation from their Callings and Livingsfor Noncon. formity, fhouldfay, they had ju/lCaufe to infult upon them, as Men who had travailed to bind them to that, which by their own Mouths now was confeffed to be erroneous. I thould have thought Bifhop Barlow's the only publedAccount, fromMr.Neal's Authority, p. i I. But here.we have an Account (and that publithed too, I fuppofe) ofMr. Patrick Galloway's ; and how confiftent it is with what Mr. Neal mentions, p. to, i r. and elfewhere, of the King's behaviour towards the Puritans, I beg of him to confider._ When' the King (he tells us) conferredwith the Bithops, he behaved withSoftnefs, and agreat. Regard to their * Sum of the Conference, p. r i , Fuller, B. x. p. 9. Charaf`ier

Hifory of the Puritans, examin'd. 2 f Character ; but when the Puritan Miniflers flood be- fore him, inflead of being Moderator, he took upon him the Place of Refpondent, and bore them downwith his Majeflick Frowns and Threatnings, in the midit of a numerous Croud of Courtiers. This Account of Mr. Patrick Galloway's differs much from Mr. Robert ohnflon's , a Scotch Hifto- rian, who Teems to me to confirm Bifhop Barlow's in every particular. Neal, p, i 5. Bancroft could no longer contain him- felf, but falling upon his Knees, begg'd the King with great Earneflnefs toflop theDr's [Raynolds'sJ Mouth, according to. an ancient Canon, that Schfmatièks are not to be heard againfl their Bfhops. The Bifhop of London (fays Barlow, p..26.)' much moved to hear thefe Men, who fame of them the Evening before, and the fame Morn- ing, had made femblance of joining with the Bishops, and that they fought for nothing but Unity, now ftrike to overthrow (if they could) ' all at once, cut him off, and. kneeling. down, ' molt humbly defired his Majefty .firft, that the ancient Canon might be remembred,That Schifma- ' tici contra Epifcopos nonfont aud?ndi.' Neal, p. 17. With regard topreaching, the DoSor complain'd of Pluralities in the Church, and pray'd that all Parifhes might be furned with preaching Min f ers. Upon which Bancroft fell upon his Knees, . and petitioned his Majefly, that all Pares might have a praying Minry, for. preaching is grown fo much in fafhion, (lays he) that the Service of the Church is neglected, betides Pulpit Harangues are very dangerous, &c. . . Here my Lord of London kneeling, (lays Bar- ' low, p. 53, 54.) humbly defired his Majefty (be- ' caufe be Taw, as he faid, it was a time ofmoving yohnfloni Hift. Rer. Britannicar. p.379, 380. C 3 4 Petitions

2 2 Mr. N E A L'S IIa Vol. of the Petitions) that he might have leave to make two ` or three; firft, that there might be amongft us ` a Praying Miniftry : for whereas there are in the Miniftry many excellent Duties to be performed, as the Abfolving of the Penitent, Praying for, ` and Blefling of the People, Adminiftring of the Sacraments, and the like ; it is come to that pafs ' now, that fore fort of Men thought it the only Duty required of a Minifter, to fpend the time offpeaking out ofa Pulpit ; fometimes God wot very undifcreetly and unlearnedly: and this, with fogreat injury and prejudice to the Celebration of Divine Service, that fome Minifters would be content to walk in the Church-yard till Sermon- ' time, rather than to beprefent at publick Prayer. He confeffed, that in a Church new to be plan- ' ted, Preaching was molt necefläry ; but among us, now long eftablifhed in the Faith, he thought it not the only necefi'ary Duty to be performed, ' and the other to be fo profanely negledted and contemn'd.' 'Neal, p. 2 r. Dr. Reynolds and his Brethren were called in, not to difpute, but to hear the few Altera- tions or Explanations in tbs Common- Prayer Book al- ready mentioned; which not anfwering their Expecta- tion, Mr. Chaderton fell on his Knees, and humbly pray'd, that the Surplifs and Crofs might not be urged wpon fame Godly Minifiers in Lancafhire. What reafon there was for this Requeft in favour of fome Godly Minifters in Lancafhire, I hope Mr. Neal will be convinced from Bifhop Barlow's and Mr. Strype'sAccount, which follows* : ' Only Mr. Chatterton of Emanuel College kneeling, re- ' quefted, that the wearing the Surplifs, and the ufe of the Crofs in Baptifm, might not be urged upon fome Honeft, Godly, and Painful Minifters * Sum and Substance of the Conference, p. 99. Life of ¡Phitgift, P.774. ' In

Hfiory ofthe Puritans, exxamin'de 23 in Lancafhire, who fear'd, if they were forced unto them, many whom they had won to the Gofpel would flide back into Popery again ; and particularly inftanced in the Vicar of Ratte/dale ; (he could not have light upon a worfe :) For not many Years before, he was proved before my Lord Archbilhop, as his Grace there teftified, and my Lord Chancellor, by his unfeemly and unreve- rent Ufage of the Eucharift, dealing the Breadout of a Basket, every Man putting in his Hand and taking out a Piece, to have made many loath the Holy Communion, and wholly refufe to come to Church.' Neal, p. 21. thus ended this mock Conference, for it deferves no better Name, all things being concluded privately between the King and the Bops, before the Puritans were brought upon the Stage, to be made a Spectacle to their Enemies, and born down with calm Reafon and Argument, but with the Royal Authority, I approve or I dlent, the King making himfclf both yuc!.`e and Party. How confiftent this is with what Mr. Neal ob- ferves before from Mr. Patrick Galloway, p. 14. I leave the Reader to judge. To what has been already obferv'd concerning the King's Behaviour at the Hampton -Court Confe- rence, Bithop Barlow adds*, ' That his Majefty's Gracious Conclufion was fo piercing, as that it fetch'd Tears from fame on both fides.' Neal, p. 22. The Puritans refirfed to be concluded by this Conference; for which he quotes a Book, en- titled, AChriflian and modeji Offer ofConference with the Prelates, printed 6o6. This Book was dedicated to the King, and Dr. Bargefs makes this Obfervation upon it ±, * Sum and Subftance, &c. p. io6. t Preface to Dr. Burgefs's Anfwer rejoined. to that much ap- plauded of a namclefs Author, hearing this Title; A Reply to. Dr.tvforton's gentle D:fence ofthree nocent Gcremonies,&c. p. C That

24. Mr. N E A LAS IIa Vol. of the That Mafter 7acob, the fuppofed Author of this Book, might fecurely brave us, with this his Offer ' of Conference : for howfoever we might willingly ' accept it, in hope of gaining our Caufe ; yet he knew well that this could not be entertain'd with- ' out leave of the State : and as well, that the State ' would never fuller thefe things to be queftioned of ' Unlawfulnefs, which Dr. Raynolds, Dr. Chadcrton, Dr. Sparke, and the reft of the molt Eminent of this Nation, which feem'd to favour that Party, would neither affirm to be unlawful, nor be known, that any of that fide were fo weak as to think fo : and then Mr. 7acob quarrelleth the_ Choice of thefe learned Perfons ; who (hall affure us, that they will either agree in the Choice of ' their Difputants, or reft in their Judgments.' Neal, p. 25. Six Weeks after, [Cartwright] died bis great Antagonf, Dr. John Whitgift, Brchbif5op of Canterbury ; he was educated in Pembroke -Hall, Cambridge. He was firft of Queen's College, then ofPembroke- Hall, and Fellow of Peter-house. [Strype's Life of Whitgift, p. 4.] Neal, Ibid. He complied with the Times in Queen Mary's Reign, though he difapîroved of her Religion. How far he complied with the Times, Mr. Strype informs us in the following Words : There was to be a V ifitation of that Univer- ' fity [Cambridge] by Authority of Cardinal Pole, (now Archbifhop of the Church of Canterbury, ' and the Pope's Legate,) in the Year 1556. in ' order to the fuppreffing ofpretended Flerefy, that ' had taken no little Root there, by the means of ' .3ucer and Fagius, late publick Readers in Cam- ' bridge, and for the urging of Popery upon Fellows ' andScholars, and obliging fuch as were qualified # Life of Whitgift, p.;. c to

Hijlory of fthe Puritans, examin'd. 2 ' to take the firft Tonfure. Whitgift was one of thefe, being this Year 1557, Malter of Arts; and forefeeing his Danger, not only of Expulfion out ' of the Univerficy, but further of his Life, f nce he ' could not comply with what would be required: he refolved with himfelf to leave the College and depart abroad, and fojourn among the famous Exiles in Strasburgh, Frankfort, or other Places in Helvetia, or elfewhere.' Dr. Perne the Malter underftanding Whitgift's Purpofe, and obferving him fixed in his Religion, by the many good Arguments he ufed, he had him keep his own Counfel; and by no means ut- ter his Opinion whereby he might be brought into queftion, and he would conceal him, with- ' out incurring any Danger to his Confcience in that Vifitation, nor being forced to leave his Studies.' Neal, p. 26. He was a fevere Governor of the Church, 1 rung Conformity with great Rigour ; he regarded neither the Intreaties ofpoor MinUters, nor the Interceon of Courtiers, but was heady to the Laws, and outwent them in the Caufe of Uniformity. Fuller fags, he would give fair Words andgood Lan- guage, but would abate nothing. And Fuller lays*, ' That he was the worthieft Man that ever the Eng'/.i Hierarchy did enjoy.' Dr. Hutton Archbifhop of Ï%Irk, a moderate Man, in a Letter to the Bifhop of Durham, fpeaks of hint as follows (; ' That many no doubt might and did ' lament, that his Majefty had loft a faithful and good Counf'ellor, the Church a great and notable ' Pillar and Patron, and himfelf had fpecial Caufe ' to forrow for the want of fuch an ancient, con- ' Rant and dear Friend. And Dr. Babington Bifhop * Church Hillory, Book x. p.27. j Life of Whitgift, p. 579. c of

26 Mr.NEAL Vol. of t,e of TJ/arcefter, in his Funeral Sermon*, ' That he lived and died in great Reputation, and particu- larly happy for being efteem'd for his Wifdom, Learning and Piety by both his Sovereigns, ' Q Elizabeth and K. names, who both confulted ' with him in all Matters ofthe Church, and making Laws and Orders for the well governing of it, and likewife in always taking his Advice for pro- per Men to be placed in the chief Preferments of it; and who feeing the great Danger of the over- ' throw of the Religion happily reformed at the ' firft, viz. of the Dotrine of it by the Paps, and the Difcipline and Conftitution of it by the New Reformers, devoted himfelf, his Pains, his Studies, his Learning, his Intereft, to the prefer- ' ving of it ; wherein he had Succefs to the end of his Days, tho' through much Oppofition.' Neal, p.26. His Grace grew weary of the invidi- ous Employment, and being afraid of King James'sfirft Parliament, died, as it is faid, with Grief before it met, defrring rather to give an 4Iccount of his Bifhop- rick to God than to Man. How unhappy is this poor Archbifhop, whole Words and Anions have always the 'bad Fortune to be mifreprefented by Mr. Neal ! Take the Words from Strype, as follow f ; Et nunc Domine exaltata eft anima mea, quod in eo tempore fuccubui, quando mallem Ep f opattls mei reddere rationem, quam ïnter homisïes exercere : ' My Soul is lifted up, that I die in a time, wherein I had rather give up to God an Account of my Bifhoprick, than any longer to exercife it among Men.' Let the Reader judge which is the molt faithful Tranflation; and I can fee no reafon why it fhouid be fufpeeted that he died of Grief, for he was born in the Year 1530, and died in 1603, aged 73 Years. * Strype, Ibid. Life ofbíhitgif. r . 5 ¡Veal,

Hifory of ftIe Puritans, examin'd. 27 Neal, Ibid. He was at Court the firft Sunday in Lent, but going to the Council -Chamber to dinner, [after long farting, Omitted] he was takenwith the dead Palfy on the right Side, and with the lofs of his Speech, upon which he was carried immediately to Lambeth. * ' He was firft carried to the Lord Treafurer's i Chamber, where he was for a while, and then convey'd to Lambeth.' Neal, Ibid. The King vifited him on Tuefday, but not being able to converfe, he lifted up his Eyes and Hands, andlaid, pro Ecclefiâ Dei, which were his !aft Words. t ' At Lambeth, on Tue/day (fays Strype) he had the honour ofa Vifit from the King, who out of the Senfe of the great Need he rhould have of him at this particular Junaure, (now he had laid fuch a Scheme for Reformation) told him, he would pray to God for his Life ; and if he could obtain it, he Ihould think it one of the greateft ' temporal Bleffings that could be given him in this Kingdom.' Neal, p. 27. Though he war a cruel P,rlecutor of the Puritans, yet comparedwith his Succefor Bancroft, he was a valuable Prelate. By the word Perfecution in Mr. Neal, the Reader muff underffand, that he means no more than a commendable Zeal for the Eltablifhment. And had the good Archbifhop been (what he really was not) a Perfecutor, I am fure our Hiflorian has much exceeded him in the Perfecution of his Me- mory. But in anfwer, let us hear what was faid of him by one of his Chaplains. t Wich hire is buried the famoufefl Glory of ourEnglf5Church, and the molt kind Encourager * Life of Whitgift, p.578. Id. lb. :1: Life of Whitgft, p, S73.

28 Mr. N E A L 'S IIa Vol. of the of Pains and Study ; a Man, happy in his Life ' and Death, loved of the Bell while he lived, and heard of God for his Deceafe; molt earneftly defiring, not many Days before he was ftricken, that he might not live to fee the Parliament, fo ' near as it was.' And yohn Stow adds *, ' That ' he was a Man born for the Benefit of his Coun- try, and Good ofhis Church ; wherein he ruled ' with fuch Moderation, as he continued in his Prince's Favour all his Life, fuppreflïng fuch new ' Sedts, as in his Time began to rife; as by his learned Work, written by him againfl fuch ' Schifms does appear.' Sir George Paul's Charadler of him, (who knew him perfedtly well) confirms what is faid by the Authors above- mentioned -t; ' Happy fure it was for the crazy State of the Church, not to meet with too rough and boifterous a Phyfician ; for he preferved with Conferves and Eledluaries, and ' fome gentle Purges, that which with ftrong Pur- ges, in all likelihood might have been in dan- ' ger.' And the Author profeffes he could not fuf ficiently exprefs that Archbifhop's fingular Wif dom and Clemency ; albeit fome younger Spirits were of opinion, that he was much to blame in that kind, and imputed it to his Years, and want of Courage. Robert 7ohnflon, a Scotch Hifforian, gives him a great Charadler, for which I refer the Reader to the Margin. But Id. ib. fi Sir G. Paul's Life of Archbifhop Whitgift, p. Sa. Johnfioni Rer. Britannicar, Hi/ior. Lib. xi. p. 380. Ecclefiar habenas per bis denos anuos fapienter moderans ; vir proculdu- bio tanto fafligio dignifliimus : Clarior Virtute, quam Genere. In Academia Cantabrigienfi, ad fupremos Scholæ honores evec- tus, literas facras profitendo magnam famam Religionis, Mode- rationis, Eruditionis, Prudentia , Diligentixque tulit. Mortuo GrindalloArchipræfule, audoritate, doc`trinâ, t'ama in ejus locum fuffeetus; ut imminutam Ecclefiæ dignitatem Therapeutartsm culpa, in veterem integritatem reiìirueret. Turn perpetua fanc- titate