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Ephef. f.i9. Ifa.4.a. Job 33./4. Eus 91. Matth,8iz6. Roan.8.a6. Excellency of Chrifis confolations. core : the houre of. the Saints confolation is come,- Chrift makes than joyful' with the feeling of his Word and Spirit, and they with Flakes and H3mnes and fjirituall longs doe ling, and make melody in their hearts unto the Lord. The Lord Jeíùs ever minifters Tweet refreíhntents after long a:ffi &ions to the foules of his fervants ; he gives them water out of the Rock, and honey out of the Lyon ; he makes their heavincfle mat- ter of rejoycing, and their fufferings an occafion of triumph and exaltation. 'Now 'he comforts them as a Haven the Ma- riner after a long ftorme, becomming to them a place of refuge and a covert from the fforme and from the raine. Now he folaceth then with the affurance of the pardon of their fin, as a King the malefactor with a pardon, after much forrow and long fupplicatiot. Now he reviveth them with the light of hit countenance, as David, after many dayes, let Abfolom fee his face. Now he cheereth them with his pretence, as a Bride - ggroome_the.Bride after long abfence : Now he quiets them as he did the ftotiny waters, and gave a calme to his Difciples : Now he fends his Spirit with a certificate of peace to their confciences, as fometime the Dove came to Noah with an Olive branch:Now he lets them fee the end of their fears and forrow, as Noah.f.ermany dayes, Taw the dry land appear. Chrift is very wife and wonderfull in the difpenfation of comforts to his affli&ed fervants ; he ever takes the fitteft oppertunities both to fweeten and remove mens miferies : when the overflowing flood of worldly comforts prove an empty pit and broken cifterne,then appeare- Chrifts. comforts as a living fpring that never faileth. And herein is the excellency of Chrifls confolations, that they are, Firf}, feafonable, as light in darkneffe ; as the Well to Hagar when her, Bottle was empty : Secondly, that they are full confolations, their latitude equal' to mans miferies Thirdly, that they are trong confolations, overcomming mans - diffra&ions and diftreffes : And fourthly, everlaffing, abiding to the end with Chrifts members : And O how fhould this excellency of Chrift Jefus fill us with high and excellent thoughts of Chriít, with ftrong and excellent faith in Chrift, with fervent and excellent love to Chrift, with humble