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Happineé of having Chrift S 3 in beleeving. A friend loves at all times : Such a one is Chrift whom he loveth oncci, he lovetb to the end. Have Chrift for thy friend,and thou needft not be difrnaid at al the hatred of the world. Thirdly, he that hath Chrift, hath a fure rock to fuftaine hint, a firme shield to defend him. Christ, like Noahs Arke, will beare him up in the deepest deluge of affliaion ; like a firme Anker, he will ftay the flip of his foule in the ttormy tempeft of all troubles ; like awall of fire, he will defend him, and confume all that rife against him. Great is that mans fafety who bath Christ for his keeper : there is more fafety with Chrift in the tempeft,then without Chrift in the calme waters. That foule is invincible which bath Chrift for his Cattle and his Captaine. Fourthly, he that hath Chrift, hath the higheff honour : The woman joyned in wedlock with the King, is more honou- rable then all the women of the Land. Hefter obtained more grace and favour in the fight of Ai.afuerus, then all the Vir- gins, and the King fet the Crowne royall upon her head : he that hath Chrift obtaines more grace and favour with God, then all the men on earth befides him, and is as a crown of glory in the Land of the Lord, and as a royal! Diadem in the hand of his God. All that have Chrift are foes of God, heirs of heaven, fpirituald Kings he is most honourable and glorious that con e nigheft unto Chrift, that receiveth mofi of Chrill; it is not naturall birth,but new birth5not worldly abundance,but heavenly fulnefl'e,that honours man in Gods prefence. b The onely freedome with God (faith Jerome) is not to fervefanne; and with God to excel! in vertue, is the higheft nobility. Most honourable and gracious is the difcription of the Church a woman cloathed with the Sun,a crowne of twelve Starres on her head, and the Moone under her feet. That mans condition is.queftionlefíe molt honourable, that bath the Sun of righteoufheffe cloathing him, the ftarre of Gods Word guiding him, and all the things of the earth put un- der him. Fiftly, he that hath Chris }, bath all; the that is wedded to the Matter of the house, hath all the houle. Man by his fpi- M 2 ritual! i'rov. I?. t'. ;.A fare Rock Zech. 3.s. Pía.;. ICa.32.=. 4.Higheft ho- nour. Heft. 2.171 Efa.62.3. ¡oha I.I2. Rom: 8 T. 8. &eve. L.-6. b Sola apudße um libertasell, non fe{vis e pec catis ; ram," apizdDelom no- bait en- e(i,cla- rum ege virtu- tibia' Rcve.I2, I. .The 'having ot all things.