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Have Chrifk and have all. i _85 erice- unto God : Death is alfo yours, to put an end to all your miferies, as a Phyfitian to cure all your difeafes, as a Haven of peace after all tempefts, as á place of rea after all labours, as the reb Sea to Ifrael, drowning all fins, ending all forrowes, and-giving entrance into endleffe joyes ; as the red Sea drowned Pharao!.' and the Egyptians, ani proved a fafepaffage to the Irraelites, and gave them occafion of great triumph and exultation : Things prerent, and things to come are yours,prefent things are yours,prefa good things are yours, to b2hold God in them,to praifeGod for them to ferveGocl with them,to doe good to othes by them : prefent affii6tions are yours,to try you,"to humble you, to purge you,to fwee- ten the meditation of Chrift and Heaven to you :prefent fins are yours, to make you vile in your owne apprehenfion, to drive you out of your felves, to let you fee the neceffary ufe of Goas Ordinances, and the neceffity of Chrift Jefils : Things to come are yours, affliAions to come are yours to prepare for them, finnes to come are yours to prevent them, Heaven and happineffe to come are yours to filflaine and comfort your felves with the thought and beliefe of them. All things, of whatfbever kind or nature, are yours, and you are Cffriffs: Chriqs fervants to obey him, Chriffs Spoufe to love him, Chrifts members receiving all from him, pof- feffing all in him ; and Ch riff is Gods, fubordinate unto God as Man, and Mediator between God and Man. Here are all the latitudes of a Chriftians riches, his having of all in Chrift ¡dus. Let the proud man with Nebuchadnezar, bleffe himfelfe in his ftately palace ; let the mighty man, with Goliab, boaft himfelfe in his tall nature, and ftrong armour; let the valiant man, with Senacbarib, magnifie himfelfe in his viftories, and the covetous bleffe himfelfe with him in the Parable, in having hi Barnes : but let the Chri- ftian pronounce lamfelfe happy, onely happy, truly happy, fully happy, cverlaffingly happy in his having of Chrift ; for Chrift Jefus is mans fole and joyfull, confiant and moli -glorious happineffe, bccauie in bim dppels all fulneP, even the fulneffe of the Godhead bodily. ; The laft thing in this Verfe is the manner how the ful- M 3 neffe